Several of Dr. Cummins’ presentations have been video recorded over the years. Links to various video productions are provided below for your information. Some recent videos were produced for the 4th International Conference on Language and Education which was held in Bangkok on November 6-8, 2013. These videos will be of help to educators in various contexts. Feel free to share these links widely.

First video for the Language and Education Conference:
Multilingual Education for Social Justice — Part 1 – Introduction
Multilingual Education for Social Justice Power Point Presentation

Second video for the Language and Education Conference:
Multilingual Education for Social Justice — Part 2 – Psycholinguistic Principles
Psycholinguistic Principles Power Point Presentation

Third Video for the Language and Education Conference:
Multilingual Education for Social Justice – Part 3 – Pedagogy for Empowerment
Pedagogy for Empowerment Power Point Presentation

Pearson English Learning Videos

Empowering English Language Learners
Five Principles for Supporting ELLs
The Current Environment for ELLs
How the Three Pillars Support the Five Principles
Principle 1: Identify and Communicate Content and Language Objectives
Principle 2: Front Load the Lesson
Principle 3: Provide Comprehensible Input
Principle 4: Enable Language Production
Principle 5: Assess for Understanding Content and Language
Dr. Cummins Keynote Speech in Graz

LAR: Language as Resource (Soon to be published)

Engaging Literacy: Technology tools in the ESL Classroom
The Beautiful House Dual Language Book
The Princess and Her Mean Mother Dual Language Book
The Big Giant Dual Language Book

Various Videos

UOttawa Plenary Implementing Multiliteracies Pedagogies within Multilingual School Communities
Dr. Jim Cummins