OISE Community Wishes for Social Justice

As part of OISE’s 50th AnniversaryApple events on May 9th, OISE library curated a number of interactive displays to celebrate 50 years of OISE. One popular display offered community members apples in exchange for one wish for social justice. The wish was then posted for everyone to see. We received many wonderful wishes so we thought it would be nice to share some with our blog readers!

Here is a selection:

“I wish people would see people instead of classifying others to perpetuate prejudice”

“I wish for the rights of infants, children, teens and families in the health care system to be valued and exercised globally”

“Freedom from poverty”

“That every child has the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and caring classroom”

“I wish that all people on earth had the same rights and treatment”

“I wish that children wouldn’t get bullied”

“I wish people would stop asking “where are you from?””

“Social justice: Apples for everyone!”

A big thanks to everyone who contributed and made this a success!


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