New Juvenile Fiction Book Titles

The OISE Library has recently added several illustrated children’s books to the juvenile fiction collection.

A Voyage in the Clouds: The (Mostly) True Story of the First International Flight by Balloon in 1785 (2016) is based on the true story of the first international flight. The adventure begins in England and involves Dr. John Jeffries and the French pilot, Jean-Pierre Blanchard. Although the men cannot stand each other, they must depend on each other in order to complete the perilous journey. This story shows how perseverance and group work can make even the most difficult tasks possible.

The Wolf-Birds (2015) describes the relationship between
ravens and wolves. The animals depend on each other to find food. The connection between wolves and ‘wolf-birds’ is referred to as mutualism. Wolves are alerted about potential prey by the ravens. Ravens must watch out for wolves, then follow them as they catch their prey, in anticipation of left overs: “From strongest to smallest, everyone feasts in turn, filling bellies and beaks.” This story illustrates the important connection between these animals, especially during the harsh winters.

The White Cat and the Monk: A Retelling of the Poem “Pangur Bán” (2016) is based on an Irish poem written by a Benedictine monk in the ninth century. The story describes the pastimes of the monk and a white cat. As the monk tries to discover the hidden meanings in a manuscript, the cat keeps a watchful eye out for a mouse. The monk and the cat keep each other company as they work away throughout the night. Readers are invited to study the monk’s manuscript, and to observe how a patient and focused approach to challenging tasks can lead to rewarding outcomes.

Little Red (2016) is a retelling of the classic fairy tale, with a twist. Little Red knows what the wolf is up to, and she won’t let him get away with it. She may be little, but she is not afraid of standing up to the big wolf. Author and illustrator, Bethan Woollvin takes a subversive approach to the fairytale most readers will be familiar with. Winner of the Macmillan Children’s Book Prize 2014, and awarded Best Illustrated Book 2016 by the New York Times, Little Red is sure to delight readers of all ages

These books, along with other recent acquisitions are available on the new arrivals bookshelf, next to the circulation desk.

Happy reading!

About Marcos Armstrong

Graduate Student Library Assistant at OISE Library | Master of Information 2017, University of Toronto
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