Featured Activity Kit: Renewable Energy Kit

“Everything we do is connected to energy! We use it to warm and cool homes, to cook and clean, to entertain use, to grow good, to travel and to make products.” Energy is also what makes things move such as to ride a bike or drive a car.

The Renewable Energy Kit is comprised of many components that allows students to explore how the sun, wind, and water can supply energy to make things move and work. Through fun, hands-on building activities and experiments, students discover the basic principles of energy:

  • energy is what makes things move;
  • energy is something that is stored, ready to use, and which can be used up; and
  • energy can change from one form to another (energy transfers)

The kit also comes with an instruction-assembly sheet, and activity booklet that provide the framework for students to record their observations, collected data, questions and discovered using the kit. Each activity is accompanied by section with background information, teacher notes, additional activities, display ideas and answers to support teachers in the classroom. Discover how you can bring clean renewable energy into your classroom curriculum to build a sustainable environment to support a greener future.

The Renewable Energy Kit is currently on display on the Ground Floor coffee table by the “New Arrivals” shelf. For more information on this activity kit, along with many more hands-on learning resources, please visit the OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives Database. Looking for books on renewable energy sources? Check out the OISE Library Collection.

About Lily Yuxi Ren

Graduate Student Library Assistant at the OISE Library | Master of Information 2018| University of Toronto
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