OISE Lobby Display: Back to School

September means back to school – and for OISE students, this means that classroom placements are just around the corner! Student teachers and new teachers alike will benefit from this month’s display highlighting books about classroom management, lesson planning, time management, and general advice for teaching success.

The Teacher’s Handbook: Strategies for Success by Anthony D. Fredericks

Designed to be of practical use for teachers, this book does not spend much time on underlying theory. Instead, it jumps straight into useful advice and applied methods for teaching. Intended to serve as a reference resource for effective teaching, this book covers the gamut of concerns teachers face and skills teachers need, providing clear advice for everything from lesson planning, choosing resources to use, time management, assessment and evaluation, homework, classroom discipline, and stress management. This book also provides advice tailored to specific groups, such as different age groups or special education.

The Complete Guide to Lesson Planning and Preparation by Anthony Haynes

Planning and preparation is the first step to teaching. Haynes’ book introduces some of the elements necessary to effectively carrying out this first step of teaching and provides teachers with a step-by-step guide for lesson planning. This book breaks down all of the aspects which must be considered when planning a lesson: what are the aims of the lesson? what are the needs of the students? what is the context of the lesson? how does this apply to the curriculum? – just to name a few. Each chapter includes anecdotes, exercises, and a list of “further reading” resources to help teachers develop their lessons.

Successful Classroom Management: Real-World, Time-Tested Techniques for the Most Important Skill Set Every Teacher Needs by Richerd H. Eyster and Christine Martin

Knowing that many new teachers are left to figure out classroom management for themselves, this book is designed to be both a practical resource and a reference book. Arranged in such a way that the material can be followed step-by-step, this book includes practical advice, anecdotes, suggestions for structuring your instruction and your classroom, and approaches to classrom discipline, as well as a discussion of how things like homework and evaluation related to overall classroom management. In addition to suggested steps for dealing with a difficult class, this book includes steps to take when dealing with difficult or angry parents as well!

Daily Planning for Today’s Classroom: A Guide for Writing Lesson & Activity Plans, by Kay M. Price and Karna L. Nelson

This book is a valuable supplement when learning how to create lesson plans – and experienced teachers may find it a useful refresher. The process of lesson planning is broken down and laid out into each individual component. This book illustrates everything from how to plan effective lessons to how to write detailed lesson plans and select the components needed for various plans to how to monitor student progress. This book also emphasizes an area of lesson planning that is often overlooked: how to accommodate a diverse population of students who have different educational needs.

Classroom Management Strategies: Gaining and Maintaining Students’ Cooperation by James S. Cangelosi

This textbook is full of classroom management strategies that can be used to keep students on-task and engaged in their lessons. This book not only explains classroom management strategies for a wide range of contexts, but also illustrates how these strategies can be applied using 328 case studies drawn from real-life experiences. These case studies also demonstrate the process of adapting these strategies to the specific situation at hand. Each chapter concludes with a synthesis of the different strategies and cases covered in the chapter and provides a bridge to the material covered in the following chapter.

For these and more books on preparing for the classroom, please visit the OISE Lobby Display on the ground floor of the OISE building.

About Cassidy Foxcroft

TALint (Toronto Academic Libraries Intern) at the OISE Library | Master of Information (LIS & ARM), 2018 | University of Toronto
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