New Titles

It’s summer — a time to catch up on missed readings and discover new must-reads! Be sure to check out the new titles below and stop by the OISE Library Ground floor for more!

I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness by Susan Verde
This beautifully illustrated and calming read expresses emotions and empathy through imagination, introducing young readers or listeners to the importance of mindfulness. Verde does an exceptional job guiding the reader through the beauty of the natural world while teaching mindfulness exercises. Readers learn about being present in the moment and paying careful attention to  emotions, feelings, sensations in the body, and surroundings. Although intended as a children’s picture book,  I Am Peace is a book for readers of all ages interested in mindfulness and self-regulation.  If you are interested in more children’s picture books on mindfulness please be sure to check out these titles at the OISE Library: Master of Mindfulness : How to be Your Own Superhero in Times of StressWhat Does it Mean to be Present?Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda . 

Round by Joyce Sidman
As a simple fun story about shapes, Sidman captures the joy of experiencing round shapes in nature. Perfect for ages 2-5, Round explores a journey of discovering the outdoors while uncovering round and circular shapes. The illustrations depict a child, her dog, and her father adventuring the outdoors together making it relatable for young children and families. The text is simple and the illustrations are vibrant, creating a fun reading experience.

Makeology: Makerspace as Learning Environments
Edited by Kylie Peppler, Erica Rosenfeld Halverson,
and Yasmin B. Kafai
Makeology introduces the emerging makerspace movement and its grassroots culture dedicated to hands-on making and technological innovation. The authors of this book highlights the emphasis on encouraging and engaging makers through design and sharing with others, which reflects early educational predecessors in progressive education, including Froebel, Dewey, and Montessori. The book is broken up in four sections covering Out-of-School Makerspaces, Makerspaces in P-16 Education, Online Makerspaces, and Designing for Making. Learn more about the Maker Movement as this book provides a set of practical takeaways for educators, researchers, and parents at the end of each chapter.

The Stars Beneath Our Feet by David Barclay Moore
Opened with a beautiful poem, the book follows the story of twelve year old “Lolly” Rachpaul, who is struggling to cope with the recent loss of his older brother from a gang-related shooting. Moore gives us a different take on the coming-of-age-story. This is a wonderful heartfelt book about a grieving boy who is dealing with a number of decisions that will determine the direction of his life. This book is centred around adolescence, grief, violence, play and creativity.

Global Perspectives on Higher Education by Philip G. Altbach
Global Perspectives on Higher Education offers a wide range of perspectives while tracking the global academic revolution. In exploring the global context, Altbach examines the prospects for Brazil, Russia, India, and China as rapidly expanding countries economically with struggling expansion for academic enrollments. Altbach also discusses the implications of globalization such as the realities of the unequal world, internationalization of higher education, rankings, and English as the dominating academic language. He closes off the book with global trends and realities with regards to teachers and students. This is a book for those interested in the emergence and realities of contemporary higher education.

About Emily Kim

Graduate Student Library Assistant at OISE Library | Master of Information (2018), Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
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