By Bev Caswell
Last week, the Robertson Program visited the Rainy River District School Board (RRDSB) to co-create activities focused on shape and spatial relationships that help children recognize relationships between two- and three-dimensional objects. Thank you to RRDSB Director Heather Campbell, Superintendent Al McManaman and RRDSB Numeracy Facilitator Brad Oster for organizing this collaborative learning opportunity!
Providing opportunities for students to think Architects: Drawing, Imagining, Building and Transforming at Robert Moore Public School
We were very happy to work with K-3 Robert Moore Public School educators once again. This time, we field-tested 3D building challenges, mathematical drawing and perspective-taking activities that invite young children to think like architects. We were especially impressed by the young children’s ability to draw and recognize objects from different perspectives.
 Joan Moss encourages children to think about how structures look from different perspectives – a task requiring the coordination of two and three dimensions |
 Joan Moss and a Robert Moore student look at the shape from a different perspective, which requires the coordination of two and three dimensions |
 RRDSB Director Heather Campbell and Robert Moore educators work with students in the classroom |
 Robert Moore educator Mandy works with a student to draw the top view of the structure |
 A Grade One student from Robert Moore PS draws the front view of the structure |
 Educators work with students on the perspective lesson |
 Educator Crystal Cain works with Kindergarten students as they use grid paper to draw the structure from various perspectives |
 A wonderful team of educators at Robert Moore Public School |
A new collaboration with Donald Young Public School educators
We began a collaboration with K-3 educators at Donald Young Public School exploring activities from our book for teachers: Taking Shape: Activities to Develop Geometric and Spatial Thinking.
 Grade One students explore ideas of congruence while playing the Magic Keys lesson |
 Donald Young teacher Rod Enns and students work with Frameworks to make connections between 2D and 3D representations. |
 A Grade One student uses Frameworks to test her prediction after visualizing that a certain pentomino shape would fold up into an open box. |
 Grade Three Donald Young students create a variety of rectangles using pentominoes |
 A Donald Young student proudly creates a square using pentominoes |
 RRDSB FNMI Education Leader Pam King Pam King explores Cookie Sheet Symmetry with students |
 A Donald Young teacher demonstrates use of visualization during the Paper Folding/Hole Punch activity |
 Donald Young educator Laurel Armstrong plays Cookie Sheet Symmetry with students |
North Star Public School
We also made new connections with North Star Public School (RRDSB) in Atikokan, Ontario. The teachers and Principal Jody Labossiere welcomed our team into their school.
In collaboration with Natural Curiosity, we looked at different ways that educators can use inquiry to explore environmental science with their students.
Hi! Thanks a lot! Excellent article.