Featured Activity Kit. Global Trek 7.

Global Trek 7 (call # CR 303.482 G562)  is an informative social studies activity kit that explores and invites students to examine world hunger, war, child labour, human rights, access to water and health, and education. Activities center around areas of the world where these issues are relevant. Exercises ask students for example, to design a menu for $2 a day or assume the role as a village elder or aid worker in an effort to connect students to the global community and help them become informed, active, and responsible global
citizens. The kit includes a teacher’s manual, an illustrated book about the world’s people, posters and maps.
Additional resources are available on the Global Trek website http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/globaltrek/

Drop by the small table next to the Service Desk to check it out!

About Monique Flaccavento

Acting Director, OISE Library
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