Featured Activity Kit: Fitness Dice

The Fitness Dice kit, which consists of two large, plush dice, is a simple yet powerful way to get students actively participating in Physical Education. One of the dice contains instructions to perform basic exercises, such as “Hop (one foot)” and “Sit up,” while the other dice indicates the number of repetitions that should be performed on each turn — e.g. “8 sit-ups.” Teachers can use the dice to lead warm-ups for the whole class; alternately, the dice can be used to create an activity station where smaller groups of students can take turns rolling the dice and doing the exercises. The dice help students to learn and practise basic movement skills, like sit-ups and push-ups, and are ideal for indoor as well as outdoor instruction.

The Fitness Dice kit is now on display on the Ground Floor coffee table, adjacent to the Circulation Desk! If you can’t visit the library in person at the moment, you can also view a larger image of this kit in the OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives Database, which we’ve designed to help OISE students discover the library’s hands-on learning resources.

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