New Titles: Reading, Writing, and Literacy

The OISE Library has some new additions to the collection that focus on reading, writing, and literacy.  Read about these awesome titles below!

Saving Wonder
by Mary Knight
Saving Wonder is a beautifully written story that explores the power of words, relationships, and community. With the Appalachian Mountains of Wonder Gap, Kentucky as its setting,  the story  tells of a boy named Curley Hines who lives with his grandfather after a devastating coal mining accident. Knowing that education is his grandson’s only way out of poverty, Curley’s grandfather constantly challenges Curley to improve his vocabulary with one word at a time. Saving Wonder is unique in that it can be used as a classroom tool for student teachers to introduce new vocabulary to elementary and middle school students. Student teachers can hold weekly spelling tests after each chapter is read. This is a fun way to encourage the importance of new vocabulary to elementary and middle school students.

35 Rubrics and Checklist to Assess Reading and Writing by Adele Fiderer 
This book is comprised of various assessments that can help student teachers better understand and evaluate their students’ work and performances in reading and writing. Just as the title suggests, this book provides 35 rubrics and checklists student teachers can use in the classroom. Fiderer has included various reading and writing assessments and rubrics, each accompanied by easy directions, scoring tips, and follow-up strategies. Topics of the book include writing, spelling, oral reading fluency, reading comprehension, and much more!

Departures: A Reader For Developing Writers by Randall Popken, Alice Newsome,  and Lanell Gonzales, offers developing writers a foundational practice to writing effective responses. Throughout their academic careers, students will be asked by instructors to produce summaries, critiques, research papers, reports, and essay exams. Often these exercises involve a reflection or critique of a scholar’s work. This book is comprised of readings dealing with American issues to which students can practice responding through their writing. The readings build on each other, allowing students to progressively increase their knowledge about a topic and to become progressively more confident in writing about it. Departures provide a unique approach to building confident analytical responses for graduate students.  

Process and Collaboration: Developing Your Writing by Daniel G. Foster and Linda E. Stairet 
This textbook provides graduate students the key components to useful applications of collaborative, developmental, and process approach in writing. Foster and Stairet have developed a writing textbook that is product-oriented, concentrating on what the final draft should look like rather than just focusing on how to develop ideas and strategies. The structure of the book is comprised of seven writing tasks to introduce students to a variety of strategies for completing different steps in the writing process. Whether writing from personal experience or writing from research, graduate students will find this textbook a useful tool in the writing process of their dissertation.  

Writing Paragraphs and Essays: Integrating Reading, Writing, and Grammar Skills by Joy Wingersky, Jan Boerner, Diana Holguin-Balogh, Enid Gossin, Susan Stancer 
This textbook provides a step-by-step approach for any student wanting to develop and improve their writing skills. The book is comprised of professional and student models that guide the user in a practical way to help build confidence in writing. This book features step-by-step approaches, explanation and modeling of the writing process, reading selections by professionals for generating ideas for writing, examples of writing, grammar exercises, and units on rhetorical modes and readings. This book can be used  for developing essential reading, thinking, and writing skills needed by students who are working towards becoming successful writers.

For more new titles on reading, writing, and literacy please visit the OISE Library!

About Emily Kim

Graduate Student Library Assistant at OISE Library | Master of Information (2018), Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
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