An A-Z of Creative Teaching in Higher Education
By Sylvia Ashton & Rachel Stone
For the post-secondary instructor (novice or experienced) who wants to transform their classroom with creative energy, this guide is for you! An A-Z of Creative Teaching in Higher Education outlines innovative practices to address inequalities in student outcomes by breaking down the topic from – you guessed it – A-Z. From A is for Action to C is for Communication to M is for Metalearning, each chapter describes a different pedagogical approach through a combination of theory and practical advice, and also offers instructors the chance to reflect on their own teaching practices through guided tasks. Instead of overloading on how-to advice, this book provides educators with the tools to evaluate their own challenges and goals independently and build on their existing strengths.
By Berit Follestad and Nina Wroldsen
Are you looking for a productive, positive, and inclusive way to mediate conflict in your classroom? In this book, Follestad and Wrodlsen (education professionals and founders of Safe Learning Norway) outline the use of restorative circles to promote student well-being. By building a safe environment for peer-to-peer communication, restorative circles can be used for problem-solving, bullying prevention, meditation, and improving soft skills such as listening, empathy, and self-regulation. This book describes the origins and methodology of restorative circles, and includes a helpful selection of diagrams, case studies, and games and activities to help you implement restorative circles on your own.
Classroom-Ready Number Talks for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Teachers: 1000 Interactive Math Activities that Promote Conceptual Understanding and Computational Fluency
By Nancy Hughes
The title says it all! For elementary teachers looking to bolster their mathematics lesson plans, this book is chock-full of math activities to help students master addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals. Each page features a specific mathematical concept (such as perimeters, number lines, or multiplying decimals) and contains definitions, guiding questions for teachers, and a classroom activity. This ready-to-use book is ideal for new math teachers and substitutes, or those looking to introduce a new concept without extensive prep work.
The Development of Children’s Thinking: Its Social and Communicative Foundations
By Jeremy Carpendale, Charlie Lewis, Ulrich
Are you interested in how young children develop social skills? This psychology book examines the cognitive development and behaviour of children from infancy to speaking-age. Balancing recent research with key theories, Carpendale, Lewis, and Ulrich cover a wide array of topics ranging from communication and social understanding in infancy to how children learn the meaning of words to how children develop moral reasoning. Each chapter is accompanied with a set of learning outcomes and suggestions for further reading. This book is ideal for any of our candidates in the research, developmental psychology, or counselling programs who are interested in the cognitive and moral development of young children.