Author Archives: Luisa Fisher

Featured Activity Kit: Fitness Dice

The Fitness Dice kit, which consists of two large, plush dice, is a simple yet powerful way to get students actively participating in Physical Education. One of the dice contains instructions to perform basic exercises, such as “Hop (one foot)” … Continue reading

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Library Events – May 2014

There are several OISE community events happening on the library’s ground floor in May. During these events, study space on the ground floor will be very limited, and there may be some extra noise from event speakers/presenters. If you’re looking … Continue reading

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Featured Activity Kit: Chick Life Cycle Exploration Set

It may be hard to believe, after Toronto’s coldest winter in twenty years—but spring always comes around again, bringing warmth, sunshine, and new life. The Chick Life Cycle Exploration Set is a safe, humane, and hands-on way to explore animal … Continue reading

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New maps: “Our Tribal Nations: Our Own Names and Original Locations”

OISE Library has acquired two new, richly illustrated maps of Indigenous peoples in North America to support OISE’s Deepening Knowledge Project, which “seeks to infuse Aboriginal peoples’ histories, knowledges and pedagogies into all levels of education in Canada.” Artist and … Continue reading

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