Category Archives: Featured activity kit

Featured Activity Kit: Digestive System Model

The Digestive System Model is great for those teaching science for students of all ages, specifically  teaching about biology and life systems. The the model includes detailed visuals of the mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines in normal position. … Continue reading

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Featured Activity Kit: American Sign Language Alphabet Cards

The American Sign Language Alphabet Cards [flash card] activity kit, this month’s featured realia, instructs upon the proper use and interpretation of the American Sign Language alphabet. By featuring all 26 letters of the English alphabet in sign, this kit … Continue reading

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Featured Activity Kit: Number Balance

The Number Balance activity kit is perfect for teaching kindergarten and primary mathematics. This kit makes math easy, interactive, and hands-on for students. It helps them visualize number relationships and operations such as addition, subtraction, and comparisons by allowing students to manipulate and … Continue reading

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Featured Activity Kit: The War of 1812 Timeline

The War of 1812 Timeline Activity Kit is perfect for teachers and educators who are teaching on topics regarding Canadian history. It uses a variety of visualization tools to help learners memorize dates, figures, and important events from the War … Continue reading

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Featured Activity Kit: DNA Activity Model

The DNA Activity Model kit is useful for making learning about the components of DNA hands-on and visual for students from grades 7-12. This 3-D double helix model can be put on display in class for reference throughout lessons on … Continue reading

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