Category Archives: Library Resources

New Titles!

Check out these new additions to the OISE Library Curriculum Resources and Children’s Literature collections! Creative Shakespeare: The Globe Education Guide (CR 822.23 B218 C) Learn how to teach Shakespeare inventively with this unique guide! At Shakespeare’s Globe theatre, Shakespeare … Continue reading

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New Books and International Women’s Day!

Saturday, March 8th, 2014 is International Women’s Day! On this day we celebrate, acknowledge and show appreciation towards women and their unique achievements within all aspects of life – economic, social, and political. Check out some of the newest additions … Continue reading

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OISE Book Display – Social Justice in Education

With the start of the new year many of us have made resolutions to better ourselves and our communities. This book display encourages you to integrate social justice into your professional life. Social justice in education is both an applied … Continue reading

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  Interested in social justice and education? This new addition to the OISE   Library collection may be of interest to you:   Class Rules: Exposing Inequality in American High Schools — Peter W.     Cookson Jr. (306.432 C773C)   … Continue reading

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OISE book display – Winter Holiday Traditions

If you’re looking for some last minute books to help you through the holidays, come see the display cabinet on the first floor of the OISE library. All materials in the cabinet can be checked out and this month we’ve … Continue reading

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