Category Archives: Library Resources

Featured display: Aboriginal issues in education

The Idle No More movement has brought a great deal of attention to Canada’s First Nations peoples, from treaty agreements to environmental concerns. The OISE library is currently featuring a display on Aboriginal issues in education. It showcases books that … Continue reading

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K-12 Databases

You may have noticed that the K-6 and 7-12 links on our homepage have disappeared. We removed these links as access to these K-12 e-resources was provided through the Knowledge Ontario eResources Portal which was discontinued December 31, 2012. Initially … Continue reading

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iPads not available Monday January 7th

The Library’s iPads will not be available on Monday January 7th until 4pm.  They are being used for a workshop for OISE teacher candidates. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause!

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E-Books at the University of Toronto

Learn more about finding, downloading, and printing e-books available at the University of Toronto:

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iPads available starting Monday

We are very excited to report that the iPads will be available for loan starting Monday as Education Commons staff have been able to resolve the technical issues we were experiencing with iOS6.  As Apple has instituted a voucher system … Continue reading

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