Category Archives: Library Resources

UTL Duplicate Journals (Print vs. Electronic)

The University of Toronto Libraries is currently working to review all print journal holdings and cancel print subscriptions to journals for which we also have electronic subscriptions with perpetual archival rights.  This is being done as UTL cannot afford to purchase … Continue reading

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New books and other library items

Interested in finding out which books and other library materials are new to our collection?  See the UTL “New Titlesâ€? page. Select “OISE Libraryâ€? from the first drop-down menu; the subject / type of material from the second; and your … Continue reading

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LibQUAL+ Survey Results Now Available

In March of 2010, the University of Toronto Libraries participated in the LibQUAL+ library service quality survey, as part of a consortium of 47 Canadian libraries.  Further information has been posted on the University of Toronto Libraries News blog , … Continue reading

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Download an OISE e-book via the Internet Archive

Did you know that 1,914 items from the OISE Library are available for free download through the Internet Archive?  To date, there have been almost 38,000 (!) downloads. Our most popular titles? Schools and Teachers in the Province of Ontario (4,865 … Continue reading

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OpenLibrary. E-book lending program now available!

The Internet Archive, in conjunction with 150 libraries including the University of Toronto Libraries, has rolled out a new e-book lending collection on This means that library patrons with an OpenLibrary account can check out any of these e-books. … Continue reading

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