From Our Historical Collections: Back to School in 1969

Have you ever wondered what it was like to go to school 50 years ago? Inspired by this recent time capsule recovery at a Vancouver elementary school, we browsed our 1969 textbooks to see what elementary school was like the year that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, Woodstock was all the rage, and Sesame Street made its official debut!

“Come Along With Me” was one of the many English readers assigned collectively to junior division grades.

On September 2nd, 1969, thousands of Ontario school children bid the “Summer of ’69” farewell and returned to the familiar hallways of their local elementary schools. According to the 1969 Circular 14 document (the Ontario government’s annual publication listing authorized textbooks grades K-12), the 1969-1970 school year saw a continuing trend of assigning multipurpose reading materials across grade levels. Whereas in years past, the Ontario Ministry of Education approved a specific textbook for each grade subject, educators were now beginning to acknowledge that individual students read at different reading levels regardless of their age and assigned grade level. Therefore, the Ministry began assigning a wide range of books and instructional materials for readers in Grades 1-6 (known as the Junior Division), leaving it up to teachers to determine which books best suited the needs of their students.

“My First Book” used familiar present-tense vocabulary to engage beginner readers.

As such, teachers could choose from a wide range of English reading materials in 1969. For beginner readers, texts such My First Book (1966) and Come Along With Me (1960) featured simple stories and poems about children and animals, relying on repetitive vocabulary, large-print font, and colourful illustrations to help readers identify new words. For more experienced readers, books such as It’s Story Time (1962) introduced past and future tenses as well as multi-part or chapter stories.

Meanwhile, more mature readers could browse anthologies with chapters from famous texts, such as this version of Robin Hood from “Happy Highways 4”.

At the higher grade levels, anthologies such as Happy Highways 4 compiled excerpts from classic children’s stories including The House at Pooh Corner, Robin Hood, Through the Looking Glass, and Gulliver’s Travels (1962).

Building on the individual experience of the learner, educational psychologists such as Jerome Bruner, Jean Piaget, and Seymour Papert were meanwhile making advancements in the study of cognitive psychology for young children. By the start of the 1969 school year, “discovery learning” (referred to as “learning through discovery” in Circular 14) played a prominent role in the selection of subject textbooks; through discovery learning, educators concluded that children are likely to draw on past and present experiences to solve problems.

Discovery learning encouraged children to learn through real-life examples, such as practicing addition by purchasing school lunch.

For Grade 3 mathematics, the textbook Patterns in Arithmetic: 3 (1964) exemplified discovery learning by modelling questions after real-life experiences, such as asking students to count Canadian coins and to practice buying school lunch with a set amount of change. In the social studies curriculum, the Grades 4-6 book We Live in Ontario (1957) introduced topics such as population, culture studies, and climate through Ontario-centered examples.

To view pages from these textbooks and more, stop by the Ontario Historical Education Collections display case on the OISE Library ground floor. To learn more about Ontario’s government approved textbooks from 1969 onward, you can also browse digitized versions of Circular 14 at the Internet Archive.

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Featured Activity Kit: Parachute

Ready for some fun under the sun? If your summer job is to keep kids moving, be sure to check out our very own parachute! Fun for kids of all ages, a parachute is a great tool for building motor skills, communication, and teamwork.

For ideas on how to get your kids moving, the book 3-2-1: Time for Parachute Fun! is the perfect starting place. Each entry includes instructions and illustrations, as well as vocabulary, objectives, and variations for each activity. Suggestions for games include:

  • “Mushrooming” the parachute: Have children hold the edges of the parachute and walk in a circle so that the parachute rises. Once it reaches a sufficient height, children “mushroom” the parachute by stepping underneath it and pulling the edges down behind them as they sit, trapping the air underneath the parachute.
  • Bouncing games: Children can practice teamwork and coordination skills by bouncing balloons on top of the parachute. They can try to keep the balloons in one place, or aim them towards an external object like a bin or target. Try to keep balloons from hitting the floor.
  • Colour Swap (from pages 42 and 43):  Spread the parachute flat on the floor, and help children to sit around the edge.  Working around the parachute, ask each child to name the colour that they are sitting nearest.  When everyone has spoken, call out one of the colours and the name of a child sitting near it. This child will run around the edge of the parachute to the next stripe with the same colour.  The child sitting in the new spot runs to the next matching colour, and so on.

In addition to the parachute, be sure to take advantage of our other outdoor resources, including our Chalk Around the Block sidewalk chalk activity kit, and our jumbo egg shakers. Curriculum resources are located on the third floor of the library.

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New Titles for August: A Mindful Classroom

Fostering mindfulness : building skills that students need to manage their attention, emotions, and behavior in classrooms and beyond, Shelley Murphy

This resource by OISE instructor Shelley Murphy is a must-have for any educator curious and committed to building practices of mindfulness into their classroom culture. The useful templates, sheets, scripts, and images contained within this resource allow it to easily guide your classroom’s developing and ongoing mindfulness program. The content of the text is appropriately scaffolded – the first chapter beginning with a clear, concise, and current definition and discussion of mindfulness in general, and building in the context of emotion, attention, behaviour, and the benefits to the greater world community. Each of the seven proceeding chapters surround specific classroom strategies, grounded in the practice of mindfulness, and accompanied by a definition of terms, multiple sections of practical advice and strategies, as well as designed classroom activities and activities to ensure that every educator has the opportunity to incorporate these stress-relieving practices as stress-free as possible. While on the surface it appears the majority of the classroom activities discussed and handouts provided are best suited for primary grade students, the author provides many clear extensions to each activity or idea that allow them to easily be integrated into junior and intermediate classroom spaces.

50 strategies to boost cognitive engagement : creating a thinking culture in the classroom, Rebecca Stobaugh

Rebecca Stobaugh’s resource is rich with activity ideas and templates that allow educators to easily access and incorporate mindfulness practices in their K-12 classroom. The content is divided into 8 chapters that introduce and contextualize critical thinking and cognitive engagement and extend these ideas to specifically address processes of: understanding, analyzing, evaluating, and creating level thinking. The content focuses on cultivating a classroom focused on a culture of thinking, rather than stand-and-deliver instruction. The targeted skill development aims to enrich the students’ engagement and critical thinking to benefit their lives above and beyond in-class success. This text provides strategies to create an active learning environment that provides an infrastructure for a thinking classroom culture – tackling the disparity between 20th century pedagogy and 21st century real-world skill demand. These 50 strategies are a fantastic and cohesive addition to any K-12 classroom through the variety of clear objectives, diagrams, classroom examples, and checkpoints!

Educating for the twenty-first century : seven global challenges, Conrad Hughes

This is a fundamentally important text for educators concerned with the future of educational policy and its implementation modern classrooms, looking for philosophical refuge and meaningful exploration. Despite the book’s title, it is not catered solely towards those involved professionally in education – Hughes argues the education is, and increasingly should be, a universal concern. Hughes positions education at the forefront of social change. He addresses the conflicting perception of education existing simultaneously as a hub for societal development and the source of societal unpreparedness in light of the rapid technological, environmental, and socioeconomic changes. He calls attention to many of the over-used and under-effective buzzwords that have emerged in the field, and that have unsuccessfully combated the disparity between what is being taught in schools, and what is needed to exist in this changing world. Through this lens, he addresses mindfulness, singularity (artificial intelligence), terrorism, sustainability, post-truth politics, knowledge, and character. Each chapter provides experience-driven advice from a current administrative professional to ensure students are informed and prepared for the world they inhabit.

Mindful little yogis : self-regulation tools to empower kids with special needs to breathe and relax, Nicola Harvey

Educators have the unique opportunity to provide their students with increasingly important self-regulatory techniques at a young age – allowing them to build and connect with their emotions and manage stress in healthy ways. While the content of this new resource is created to benefit children with special needs, any classroom culture can benefit from the tools, techniques, and activities discussed in Harvey’s work. Mindful Little Yogis aims to guide and provide parents, teachers – or anyone interacting with children – with the tools they need to recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate their various feelings and emotions. Rich with diagrams and student-ready work sheets, each of the five chapters serve as a practical guide that carries young people through breathing exercises – and other useful self-regulation tools – that can be easily integrated into any classroom setting. The book begins by introducing and contextualizing SEN (special education needs), and how the ideas and practices introduced throughout the resource can provide benefits to this population. The second chapter introduces healthy breathing exercises, followed by an introduction to yoga-breathing activities in chapter 3. Chapter 4 delves into self-regulation tools, and chapter 5 provides additional helpful strategies that go above and beyond the “textbook” understanding of SEN students and their unique classroom experiences. Excellent additional sources of information, such as a developmental skills glossary, additional resources, and references, are located after the conclusion. This is a must-have for teachers aiming to start their school year with cultivating a calm and centered classroom culture!

Listening to my body : a guide to helping kids understand the connection between sensations (what the heck are those?) and feelings so that they can get better at figuring out what they need, Gabi Garcia

Gabi Garcia has created a colourful and insightful picture-book that takes children (and parents!) on a process of connecting physical sensations and emotions through exploration, vocabulary development, and self-monitoring exercises. The book opens with “A note to parents and teachers” – encouraging parents to show up for their child by participating in this guide, and modeling positive self-monitoring and body-listening. Garcia includes additional opportunities for continued learning through listing extension activities for parents and / or teachers and children to work through together. Each page is covered with vibrant images depicting common body sensations and is accompanied by a “Let’s Practice!” section – inviting the child to participate in an activity that connects their physical sensations to verbal descriptions and activates a process of total physical recall. The book closes with a vocabulary list divided by “sensations” and “feelings”, and an invitation to add to this list with your child or student – as well as a list of “practice” activities to continue to build. Listening to my body serves as an excellent resource for all parents and teachers looking to foster positive body-consciousness and a strong sense of emotional intelligence in their child or student!

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Featured Activity Kit: Baric Tablets

This very simple looking activity kit is an excellent tool for promoting concentration and experiential learning. The Baric Tablets are a sensorial activity that can be used for children age 4 and upward. They are a Montessori-developed manipulative, but can be used anywhere! It helps create awareness of the sensory perceptions that we are constantly taking in. These tablets are made up of three separate boxes which each contain about 6-8 wooden tablets. Although all of the tablets are the same size, each box contains tablets made of different types of wood (such as pine, beech and oak) and therefore they differ in weight.

These tablets can have multiple uses as an educational tool. They teach children how to exercise baric sense and differentiate between weights. The tablets are also useful tools to teach children how to use superlatives: heavy, light, heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest. Finally, they also teach children to be mindful and observant about their environments.

Typically, the baric tablet is used by the teacher showing the student how to hold their hands (slightly above the table, palm up) and placing the light tablet one hand and the heavier tablet on the other hand—the student is then asked which tablet is heavier. This continues as the teacher continues to place different light and heavy tablets on the palms of the student. As the activity continues the student is also encouraged to wear a blindfold so they won’t be able to tell the weights by the colour. Soon the student should be able to mix the tablets and sort the weighted tablets on their own. Once they have mastered the heaviest and lightest weights, the teacher can then introduce the medium weight tablets to finely develop the student’s baric sense.

There are plenty of exercises that one can do with the baric tablets: such as ordering all of the tablets, and placing them back into their piles in the boxes, and playing with different combinations. These tablets are useful to build up to more complex math activities, and can also be a meditative tool to emphasize observation skills as well as focus.

If you’d like to play with them, you can find them in the Display and Play section of the library on the third floor.



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Indigenous Futurisms

This month’s Indigenous display features works on Indigenous futurisms. This genre, explored through a variety of mediums including literature, art, film, and music, expresses Indigenous identity by exploring possible or potential futures for Indigenous peoples. Though many works of Indigenous futurisms are set in the future – where elements of science-fiction such as space, apocalyptic narratives, and alternate reality are often present – stories from this genre can also span the past and present; they are narratives that place Indigenous voices from across time and space into our present consciousness.

Walking the Clouds: An Anthology of Indigenous Science Fiction edited by Grade Dillon

The first anthology of Indigenous science fiction, Walking the Clouds helped define the genre of Indigenous futurisms by identifying science fiction as a platform through which Indigenous writers can “renew, recover, and extend First Nation voices and traditions”. Dillon suggests that through Indigenous futurism, writers can confront contemporary issues and explore them on an alternative and empowering world stage, changing how both Indigenous writers and the science fiction genre as a whole are traditionally perceived. Contributions are divided into six sections; native slipstream (time travel, alternate realities, alternative histories), contact, Indigenous scientific literacies and environmental sustainability (understanding sustainability as a rightful science), native apocalypse, revolutions, future reconstruction of sovereignties, and “Biskabiiyang” or “Returning to Ourselves” (how Indigenous peoples are personally affected and their process of recognition, healing and resurgence).

Future Home of the Living God by Louise Erdrich

Set in the near-future, Future Home of the Living God outlines the beginning of an apocalypse where evolution has not only ceased, but is actively reversing. Cedar Hawk Songmaker, the novel’s heroine, is faced with a dilemma; adopted as an infant from an Anishinaabe nation in Minnesota, Cedar is now four months pregnant and longs to know the genetic history of her biological parents. As Cedar begins her journey home, the government declares that all pregnant women must turn themselves in for the good of future mankind – or they will be hunted down. Cedar conveys her story through letters written to her future child, using quick wit and dry humour to deliver a captivating and unsettling tale.

The Night Wanderer: A Native Gothic Novel by Drew Hayden Taylor

For fans of vampire stories, The Night Wanderer is a thrilling sci-fi horror story set on an Anishinaabe reserve on Otter Lake. When Tiffany Hunter’s mother abandons their family, her father rents out a spare room to a strange man named Pierre L’Errant. Tiffany soon learns that her roommate’s affinity for darkness and sleeping aren’t quirks, but survival tactics; Pierre is a vampire, and has returned from France to his boyhood home in Otter Lake to conduct an unspeakable mission. While an excellent sci-fi tale in its own right, The Night Wanderer is also a coming-of-age story, in which Tiffany must learn to address relationships with her family, boyfriend, and identity. This novel is adapted by Taylor from his own 1992 play, A Contemporary Gothic Indian Vampire Story.

Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection, Volume 2 edited by Hope Nicholson

Following up on the success of Moonshot, Volume 1, Volume 2 offers a collection of Indigenous comics focused on what author Michael Sheyahshe describes as “Indigenous continuance” – focusing on Indigenous peoples and cultures as they exist in the present. In its objective to represent Indigenous peoples “in the now”, Moonshot, Volume 2 brings together a collection of stories that transcend time and space, ranging in genre from historical to sci-fi to other-worldly and representing elements of the past, future, and everything in-between. Among the 14 comics included are Jeffrey Veregge’s Journeys, blending futuristic intergalactic travel with the present values of the Suquamish community, Steve Keewatin Sanderson’s Where We Left Off, a post-apocalyptic narrative based in Plains Cree roots, and Michael Sheyahshe’s Do Wild Turkeys Dream of Drums, a  modernized version of the Caddo “Turkey Dance” tradition. Each comic is accompanied by a background paragraph explaining the story’s origins and inspiration, and readers will appreciate Moonshot‘s engaging mix of narratives and artistic styles.

A Girl Called Echo, Volume 1: Pemmican Wars by Katherena Vermette

In the first graphic novel of the series A Girl Called Echo, Pemmican Wars tells the story of Echo Desjardins, a lonely young Métis teenager who finds herself unable to cope with life at her new home and school. Overwhelmed by her surroundings, Echo frequently resorts to closing her eyes to block out the world around her. One day, Echo is surprised to open her eyes and find herself transported to the Souris River in 1814, at the onset of the Pemmican Wars. Armed with the gift of time travel, Echo crosses back and forth between the past and present, learning about her ancestral history both in school and on the front lines of the war. Using time travel, Echo discovers that she is able to reconcile past narratives of Métis history with her own personal truths to create a new and powerful identity. A Girl Called Echo relies almost exclusively on illustration, encouraging readers to immerse themselves in the images before them. The book also includes a timeline of the events surrounding the Pemmican Wars.

To explore more books on Indigenous futurisms, be sure to visit the Indigenous display on the ground floor of OISE Library.

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