I. Introduction:Child Abuse and Human Development (Rd: Briere, Intro; Volpe, Intro)
- Life span development in context (Handout) The life space of the child
- Systems of influence (Volpe, 7)
- The history of childhood
- Models of human nature (Handout)
- Anger, aggression, and violence (Volpe, 10 & 11)
- Power and exploitation (Volpe, 12, 19 & 26)
- Sexual development of children (Handout)
II. Definitional Issues: Research and legal issues (Briere, Part Four)
- Federal & provincial legislation
- Reporting laws and their impact on professions
- Children’s testimony
- Court Procedures and Evidence
- Prevalence and incidence studies
III. Forms of Abuse (Briere, Part One)
- Child neglect
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional Abuse
IV. Treatment Issues (Briere, Part Two)
- Individual and family therapy
- Play therapy
- Group therapy
- Offenders
V. Prevention and service delivery (Briere, Part Five and Six)
- Public policy issues
- Levels of prevention
- Integrated services
VI. Conclusion (Consolidation)