I. The value of history to applied psychology (Rd: Schultz, C 1; Leary, C 1)
- Applied Psychology and the history of the professions
- Philosophy of Science: Theories, systems, and schools
II. Metaphors and truth claims: Psychology emerges as a science (Rd: Leary, C 10)
- Philosophy and psychology (Rd: Schultz, C 2; Leary, C 2)
- Biology and psychology (Rd: Schultz, C 3; Leary, C 3)
III. The study of consciousness: The establishment of psychology as a science (Rd: Leary, C 4)
- Wundt and the Leipzig tradition (Rd; Schultz, C 4)
- Structuralism: Titchener and instrospectionism (Rd: Schultz, C 5)
IV. Functionalism (Rd: Leary, C 5 & 6)
- Evolution and individual differences (Rd: Schultz, C 6)
- American Functionalism (Rd: Schultz, C 7)
- Applied and developmental psychology (Rd: Schultz, C 8)
1. Mental testing; 2. Eugenics; 3. Clinical psychology; 4. Educational psychology
V. Applied psychology in Canada
- Community psychology and the Canadian Mental Hygiene Committee
- The Child Study Movement in Canada
VI. Early behavioral psychology (Rd: Schultz, C 9; Leary C 7)
- Animal psychology
- Classical Conditioning
VII. Behaviorism (Rd: Schultz, C 10)
- Watson and new behavioral methods
- Popular psychology
VIII. Modern behaviorism (Rd: Schultz, C 11)
- Operant Conditioning
- Behavior modification in the clinic and classroom
IX. Gestalt psychology (Rd: Schultz, C 12; Leary, C 8)
- Kohler and the mind of apes
- Lewin and field theory
- Social psychology and constructionism
X. Classical psychoanalysis (Rd: Schultz, C 13; Leary, C 9)
- Freud
- Psychological determinism and the unconscious
XI. NeoFreudians (Rd: Schultz, C 14)
- Descendants and dissidents
- The Relational School
XII. The Cognitive Revolution (Rd: Schultz, C 15)
- Humanism
- Genetic epistemology
- Cognitive Science
XIII. The future of psychology (Rd: Leary C 11)
- Post modernism
- Critical theory
- New paradigms