Month: November 2005

moving towards a prototype for GRAIL

Had an interesting meeting today with the ACG group in Education Commons about possible engines for GRAIL to provide the central frame for the environment that the various elements would link to. Mark Hume, formerly at UTSC, developed a really…

Visual representations of theory

One of my MEd students, Celynn Klemenchuk–whom many of you know, has a real knack for creating visual maps of complex ideas. She has a whole set of really great concept maps for different theories and theoretical perspectives and you…

The dissertation dive

I have been thinking a lot about how many of the most important elements of graduate education are quite implicit. One of these elements is the psychological aspect of the thesis process. People often start out seeing it as a…

the Practice of Grounded Design

I was thinking about the implications of using a grounded design approach to development and what it actually implies for collecting data and cycles of development. I found some links to papers in related but not identical context which provide…