Publications & Presentations

Journal Articles

Zingaro, D., Oztok, M., Brett, C. & Hewitt, J.  (2013). Exploring Asynchronous and Synchronous Tool Use in Online Courses, Computers & Education,  60 (1), 87–94.

Koh J, Cheung JJ, Mackinnon K, Brett C, Bagli DJ, Kapralos B, & Dubrowski A. (2013). Web-Based Learning and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Psychomotor Skill Acquisition: Perspectives of Medical Undergraduate Students. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,184:222-4.

Cheung JJ, Koh, J, Mackinnon K, Brett C, Bagli DJ, Kapralos B, & Dubrowski A. (2013). The Use of Web-Based Learning for Simulation-Based Education and Training of central Venous Catheterization in Novice Learners. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,184:71-7.

Lee, K. & Brett, C. What are graduate student inservice teachers talking about in their online Communities of Practice? Investigating graduate student inservice teachers’ experiences in a double-layered CoP.  In press, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education.

Oztok, M., Wilton, L., Lee, K., Zingaro, D., MacKinnon, K., Makos, A., Phirangee, K., Harwood, C., Brett, C., Hewitt, J. (in press). Polysynchronous: Dialogic Construction of Time in Online Learning. The journal of E-Learning and Digital Media. 12 pages.

Qui, M., Hewitt, J. & Brett, C. (2012). Online Class Size, Note Reading, Note Writing and Collaborative Discourse. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 7(3),

Freeman, W. & Brett, C. (2012). Prompting authentic blogging practice in an online graduate course. Computers & Education, 59, 1032-1041.

Oztok, M. & Brett, C. (2011). Social presence and online learning: A review of the research. The Journal of Distance Education, 25(3), 1-10.

Brett, C. (2009). Educational Perspectives on digital communications technologies. Journal of E-Learning 6(3), 281-291.

Brett, C., Forrester, B., & Fujita, N. (2009). Learning journals as an instructional and self-assessment tool for epistemological growth in online learning. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 35(1), 1-18.

Brett, C. (2008). [Review of the book. Quality Issues in ICT-Based Higher Education]. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 38 (1), 121-123.
Hewitt, J., Brett, C. & Peters, V. (2007). Scan Rate: A new metric for the analysis of reading behaviors in asynchronous computer conferencing environments. American Journal of Distance Education, 21(4), 215-231.
Hewitt, J., & Brett, C. (2007). The relationship between class size and online activity patterns in asynchronous computer conferencing environments. Computers and Education. 49, 1258-1271.
Brett, C. (2004). Offline factors contributing to online engagement. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 13(1), 83-95.


Oztok, M., Zingaro, D., & Brett, C. (2012). The relationship between social presence and social capital in online learning communities. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of global conference on technology, innovation, media & education (global time) (pp. 256–262). AACE.

Oztok, M., Lee, K. & Brett, C. (2012). Towards Better Understanding of Self-Representation in Online Learning. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 (pp. 1867-1874). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Hewitt, J., & Brett, C. (2011).  Engaging Learners in the Identification of Key Ideas in Complex Online Discussions. In Spada, H., Stahl, G., Miyake, N. & Law, N (Eds.) Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, (pp. 960-961), International Society of the Learning Sciences, Hong Kong China.

Fujita, N. & Brett, C. (2008) Rethinking analysis of knowledge building discourse in asynchronous online discussion forum: An activity theory perspective. Proceedings of the 8th International conference for the Learning Sciences – Volume 1, (pp. 248-256). Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Freeman, W., Brett, C., Dixon, J., Kostuch, L, MacKinnon, K., McPherson, G., Paradine, A., Qiu, M., & Symington, D. (2006). Weblogging as a part of academic practice: Reflections on graduate students’ early experiences. In Chen, N. S. & Isafas, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS E-Learning 2006 conference, (pp. 87-91). IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2006).

Peters, V., Hewitt, J., & Brett, C. (2006). Competition and collaboration in a computer-mediated teacher education course. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 487-501). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Hewitt, J., Peters, V., & Brett, C. (2006). Using Wiki technologies as an adjunct to computer conferencing in a graduate teacher education course. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 2240-2243). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Brett, C., Freeman, W., Fujita, N., Teplovs, C., & Shah, S. (2006). Investigating research apprenticeship online. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 2476-2479). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.


Brett, C. & Wilton, L. (2013, April). Online reading patterns and their relationship to online writing activity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Oztok, M., Brett, C. (2013, April). Identity, Self-Representation, and Learning in Online Learning Environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Zingaro, D., Oztok, M., & Brett, C. (2013, April). Reconceptualizing the pedagogical value of student facilitation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Oztok, M., Zingaro, D., Brett, C., Hewitt, J., & Makos, A. (2013, April). Towards understanding the relationship between social presence and social capital. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Cheung JJ, Koh J, Mackinnon K, Brett C, Bägli DJ, Kapralos B, & Dubrowski A. (2013). Web-Based Learning and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning for Psychomotor Skill Acquisition: Perspectives of Medical Undergraduate Students. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality. San Diego, California. February 20-23.

Cheung JJ, Koh J, Mackinnon K, Brett C, Bägli DJ, Kapralos B, & Dubrowski A. The Use of Web-based Observational Practice and Educational Networking Improves Simulation-Based Education and Training of Central Venous Catheterization: A Pilot Study.  International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida. January 26-30, 2013.

Hewitt, J., Brett, C. & MacKinnon, K. (2012). Do Frequent Sessions in Online Courses Really Make a Difference? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Oztok, M., Zingaro, D., & Brett, C. (2012, May). The effect of online course facilitation on student participation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Technology and Teacher Education, University of Waterloo, London, Canada.

Oztok, M., Zingaro, D., Brett. C. & Hewitt, J.  (2012). Investigating the Effects of Messaging on Students’ Asynchronous Threads. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Oztok, M. & Brett, C. (2012). Investigating the value of instant messaging with asychnronous learning environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Technology and Teacher Education, University of Waterloo, London, Canada.

Oztok, M., Lee, K., & Brett, C. (2012, May). Identification and Self-Representation in Online Learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education. Waterloo, ON.

Lee, K., Oztok, M. & Brett, C. (2012) Re-examining the myth of online interaction and reality in distance education.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education: Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, University of Waterloo, London, Canada.

Lee, K. & Brett, C. (2012). Critical Rethinking of Student Teachers’ Interactions and Reflections in a Distance Learning Course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Technology and Teacher Education, University of Waterloo, London, Canada.

Brett, C. & Hewitt, J. (2011, April). Embedded Privacy Supports Within Online Discussion Environments.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, USA.

Hewitt, J. & Brett, C. (2011, April). Recommend: A Tool for Identifying Key Ideas in Asynchronous Discourse Environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, USA.

Oztok, M. & Brett, C.  (2011, March). Investigating the Value of Instant Messaging within Asynchronous Learning Environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Technology and Teacher Education, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.

Lee, K. & Brett, C. (2011, March). Developing Teachers’ Communities of Practices through integration with Online Graduate Course design –Focusing on Sustainability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Technology and Teacher Education, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.

Brett, C., Hewitt, J. (2010, August). Understanding private discourse in a public online forum. Paper presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT), Toronto, Ontario.

Hewitt, J., Brett, C., (2010, August). The Recommend Button: An Experimental Support for the Identification of Valuable Ideas in a Knowledge Building Community. Paper presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT), Toronto, Ontario.

Brett, Clare. (April, 2011). Teaching with Technology: A conversation. Presentation at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto. Download

MacKinnon, Kim & Brett, Clare (October 30, 2010).  The computer science teacher: conversations and perspectives. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Computer Science Educators (ACSE). University of Toronto. acse-brettmckinnon.

Haklev, Stian & Brett, Clare. (October 20, 2010). A guide to Open Access and to Open Education Resources for teaching and professional development. MT Technology day workshop. OISE, University of Toronto. MT Open Access presentation PDF

Brett, C. (January 25th, 2010).  Research with online data: issues and ideas.  Doc Talk Series, OISE/UT.researchonlinedatadoctalkjan10

Brett, C. (January 18th, 2010).  21 century learners and the Importance of infusing technology into the curriculum.  Keynote: Technology Day, Secondary Preservice Program, OISE. infusingtechpreservice2010

Brett, C. & MacKinnon, K. (May 2009). Preparing teachers to work effectively with technology: Moving beyond a “one size fits all” approach to technology infusion. A paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education Conference, Technology and Teacher Education SIG. Ottawa, Quebec, May. Presentation: csse09brettmackinnon.pdf    Paper: cssetechinf09-finalr.pdf

Brett, C. (April 2009). Using technology in support of deeper learning. Presentation at Toronto French School. tfs_pres_april2209

Brett, C. & Touzet, J. (March 2009). Accessing a community of academic practice with shared online writing and communication tools. Presented at CAL09, Learning in Digital Worlds, Brighton UK, March 2009. Click on the link for a pdf of the paper. cal_poster09web

Brett, C. (November 2008). Technology’s social side: community, networking and schools. Invited Speaker: Educational Computing Conference of Ontario (ECOO) Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Click on the following link for a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation: ecoo08techsocialside

Brett, C. (November 2008). What might the future of classroom technology look like? Invited Speaker: November 2008. Educational Computing Conference of Ontario (ECOO) Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Click on the following link for a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation: ecoo08techschools

Brett, C. (2008). Online Course Materials: From Blended to Fully Online Options. Office of Teaching Advancement Workshop Series, 2008-2009, University of Toronto, November 10th. Click on the following link for a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation: onlinelearningmaterialswkspf

Brett, C., & DeFroy, S. (2008). From pre-service to classroom teaching: A five-year longitudinal study investigating the practice of progressive problem solving and innovation. Paper presented in an Interactive symposium: Teacher’s understandings of principle-based innovations in networked classrooms, at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, March, New York.

Brett, C., Najafi, H., MacKinnon, K., Fujta, N., McPherson, G. & Freeman, W. (May 2008). Principled use of technology in higher education: Are there commonalities across learning contexts? A symposium presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education Conference, Technology and Teacher Education SIG. Vancouver, BC, May.

Brett, C., De Froy, S. & Woodruff, E. (2007, August). From pre-service to classroom teaching:
Investigating the practice of progressive problem solving and innovation. Paper presented as part of an Interactive symposium: Teacher’s understandings of principle-based innovations, at the 9th annual meeting of the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Brett, C., & Najafi, H. (2007, May). Supporting idea improvement: Making knowledge public among faculty and instructors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Technology and Teacher Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Freeman, W., Brett, C. (2007, April). Finding the Individual in Collaborative Online Learning Environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, USA.

Freeman, W. & Brett, C.(May, 2006). Designing weblogs using grounded design in an online graduate educational research environment. Paper presented at CSSE, York University, Toronto, May 30, 2006. Download ppt. file

Brett, C., Freeman, W, & Fujita, N. (May, 2006). Affordances of individual weblogs and collaborative threaded discussion environments for critical refection. Paper presented at CSSE, York University, Toronto, May 28, 2006. Download ppt presentation file

Brett,C. (May, 2006). Why Reading Matters Even More in the Digital Age. Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto, May 5, 2006.presentation file

Brett, C. (April, 2006). Wikis as Instructional Writing Environments for Graduate Students. Showcase of Provost’s Courseware Development Fund Projects, Innovative Teaching and Technology at the University of Toronto, April 19, 2006. PPt presentation

Brett, C.,Freeman, W, Fujita, N & Teplovs, C. & (2005). Investigating Research Apprenticeship Online.
A symposium presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Orlando, Florida, March 2006. Proposal file (wrd):Download file

Brett, C., & Freeman, W. (2005). Understanding Public and Private Space Online. Paper presented at at ALT-C, The Association for Learning Technology Conference, Manchester, England, September. Download file

Freeman, W., & Brett, C. (2005). Grounded Design for a Learning Environment for Graduate Student Researchers. Paper to be presented at ED-MEDIA, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Montreal, June.Download file

Brett, C. & MacKinnon, K. (2005). IT Infusion Learning Lunchbox Series. Presentation to the Elementary Education Coordinators Group, May 18, OISE/UT. Download file

Brett, C. (2005). Understanding Online Engagement: Patterns of participation and involvement. Paper to be presented at CSSE, Canadian Association for Teacher Education in the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, May, London, Ontario.

Brett, C, Fujita, N., & MacKinnon, K. (2005). Beyond best practice: promoting innovation in technology enhanced curriculum development among preservice educators. Paper to be presented at the Teacher Education Conference for The Schools we Need, Toronto. Ontario, May 13-14. Download file>Paper and for the powerpoint presentation slides: Download file

Brett, C. (2005). What Do We Learn Better Through IT?. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario,(ECOO), Toronto, Ontario, May. Download file

Brett, C, Forrester, B. (2005). Learning Logs as an Instructional and Self-Assessment Tool for Knowledge Growth in Two Asynchronous Conferencing Courses.

Brett, C., & Fujita, N. (2005). Faculty Experiences of Introducing Knowledge Building Pedagogy and Technology in Preservice Teacher Education. Paper presented in a Symposium: Knowledge building for teacher education and professional development: The opportunity and challenges of innovation, at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, March.

Fujita N., & Brett, C. (2005). Developing Deeper Understanding through Online Discourse
In In-Service Teacher Education. Paper presented in a Symposium: Knowledge building for teacher education and professional development: The opportunity and challenges of innovation, at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, March.

Brett, C. & Moosabhoy, L. (2005). Online Discourse Environments: Impact on Student Learning and Engagement in Two Preservice Courses. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education, Hawaii, January.

Brett, C. & Stanley, C. (2004). Promoting a knowledge building orientation toward technology enhanced curriculum development among preservice educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Knowledge Forum Summer Institute, Toronto, August, 2004.

Brett, C., & Moosabhoy, L. (2004). Pre-Service Teacher Education: Supporting learning and engagement through online knowledge building. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Knowledge Forum Summer Institute, Toronto, August, 2004.

Brett, C. & Forrester, B. (2004). Learning Logs as an Instructional and Assessment Tool for Knowledge Growth. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Knowledge Forum Summer Institute, Toronto, August, 2004.

Brett, C. (2004). Innovation in technology enhanced curriculum development among preservice educators. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education (ITTE), Chester, England, July.

Brett, C. & Stanley, C. (2004). Beyond best practice: Promoting a knowledge building orientation toward technology enhanced curriculum development among preservice educators. Paper presented at the Scandinavian Summer Conference on Motivation, Learning, and Knowledge Building in the 21st Century, Stockholm, June 2004.

Brett, C. & Forrester, B. (2004). Learning Logs as an Instructional and Assessment Tool for Knowledge Growth in an Asynchronous Distance Conferencing Course. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Distance Education, Toronto, June 2004.

Brett, C., & Moosabhoy, L. (2003). Engaging online: Idea integration among preservice teachers supported through online knowledge building. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the International Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong, December.

Forrester, B., & Brett, C. (2003). Encouraging Higher Order Epistemological Views through the use of Learning Logs in an Asynchronous Conferencing Course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Knowledge Forum Summer Institute, Toronto, August, 2003.

Brett, C. (2003). Factors that Influence Online Engagement in Asynchronous Computer Conferencing. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Halifax, Nova Scotia, May.

Brett, C. & Moosabhoy, L. (2003). Asynchronous computer conferencing: factors that influence online engagement & learning in two preservice teacher education courses. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, March, Alberquque, New Mexico.
Papers and Manuscripts
Brett, C. (2008). [Review of the book. Quality Issues in ICT-Based Higher Education]. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 38 (1), 121-123.

Hewitt, J., Brett, C. & Peters, V. (2007). Scan Rate: A new metric for the analysis of reading behaviors in asynchronous computer conferencing environments. American Journal of Distance Education, 21(4), 215-231.

Hewitt, J., & Brett, C. (2007). The relationship between class size and online activity patterns in asynchronous computer conferencing environments. Computers and Education. 49, 1258-1271.

Brett, C. (2004). Offline Factors Contributing to Online Engagement. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, Volume 13 (1) 83-95.

Brett, C., Woodruff, E., & Nason, R. (2002) Communities of Inquiry among Pre-service Teachers Investigating Mathematics. THEMES Special Edition on Teacher Education. 3(1), 39-62.

Papers in refereed Proceedings:

Fujita, N. & Brett, C. (2008). Rethinking Analysis of Knowledge Building Discourse in Asynchronous Online Discussion Forums: An Activity Theory Perspective. In the Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences (ICLS) Conference, Utrecht, June.

Freeman, W., Brett, C., Dixon, J., Kostuch, L, MacKinnon, K., McPherson, G., Paradine, A., Qiu, M., & Symington, D. (2006). Weblogging as a part of academic practice: Reflections on graduate students’ early experiences. In Chen, N. S. & Isafas, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS E-Learning 2006 conference, (pp. 87-91). IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2006).

Peters, V., Hewitt, J., & Brett, C. (2006). Competition and collaboration in a computer-mediated teacher education course. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 487-501). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Hewitt, J., Peters, V., & Brett, C. (2006). Using Wiki technologies as an adjunct to computer conferencing in a graduate teacher education course. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 2240-2243). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Brett, C., Freeman, W., Fujita, N., Teplovs, C., & Shah, S. (2006). Investigating research apprenticeship online. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 2476-2479). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Brett, C., & Fujita, N. (2005). Faculty experiences of introducing knowledge-building pedagogy and technology in preservice teacher education. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005
(pp. 848-851). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Fujita, N., & Brett, C. (2005). Developing deeper understanding through online discourse in inservice teacher education. In C. Crawford, D. A. Willis, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. Mcferrin, J. Price, & R. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 848-851). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Brett, C., & Moosabhoy, L. (2003). Engaging online: Idea integration among preservice teachers supported through online knowledge building. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Hong Kong, December.

Brett, C. & Moosabhoy, L. (2003). Asynchronous computer conferencing: factors that influence online engagement & learning in two preservice teacher education courses. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), March, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Brett, C., Woodruff, E. & Nason, R. (1999). Online Community and Preservice Teachers’ Conceptions of Learning Mathematics. In Hoadley, C. & Roschelle, J. (Eds.), Designing new media for a new millennium:
Collaborative technology for learning, education, and training, Proceedings of the Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 1999 Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. (pp. 57-65). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Available:

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