Sign up Now for Library Tours and Research Skills Workshops

Not sure how to find books, reports, DVDs, and other items in the catalogue? 

Ready to pick up some more advanced research skills like finding online theses, expanding your research through cited reference searching, and searching for historical newspapers? 

Not sure how to measure the impact of your research using Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and Google Scholar? 

Or maybe you’re still typing out your bibliographies instead of using RefWorks? 

If so, mark your calendar!  Registration for January and February library and research skills workshops is now open.  Class sizes are limited to 20 people; cost: free.

Additional information about workshops and registration is available online at:

A number of other workshops are available to undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty through both the Education Commons and OISE Student Services.

About Monique Flaccavento

Acting Director, OISE Library
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