Featured Activity Kit: Brain Pack

picture of featured activity kit: Brain PackWhere do emotions come from? How does hypnosis work? What is consciousness? This week’s featured activity kit is Brain Pack (CR 612.82 V237B), a book-like kit filled with creative pop-ups and innovative inserts that explore the structure and mysteries of the brain. Brain Pack includes a 3D model of the brain that highlights how information from the five senses is received and processed.

The kit is arranged like a mini science centre with pages set up as interactive exhibits. Have fun with optical illusions or use the quizzes to test your short-term memory. The kit can be used to illustrate evolutionary trends, scientific studies on intelligence and emotions, and brain development over the course of a lifetime. Brain Pack features puzzles, brain teasers, and other activities that can inspire students to explore questions about the brain. The audiocassette provides a tour of the pop-ups, and a list of references for further reading is also included.

The kit is currently displayed on the small table near the Circulation Desk on the Ground Floor of the library. Check it out today!

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