Assessment and Grading: April Lobby Display

One of this month’s lobby displays explores the topic of Assessment and Grading. As we head towards the end of the school year, assessment becomes more and more important. How can this be done fairly? What new approaches are transforming theory and practice when it comes to grading? With this in mind, the OISE Library has a collection of resources to help!

This topic is well represented across the OISE Library collections, and there is a wealth of information in the curriculum resources and stacks sections of the Library. This is a subject that has a long history in the Library collections, there is a wealth of materials for those who are interested in looking at the history of this subject in the province of Ontario. Fair grading and assessment that is conscious of the differences between students is emphasized in these works.

Other themes include differentiation, common core standards and debates about the usefulness of standardized testing. There are also items representing some of the historical materials available at the library. These allow students to explore how assessment and grading standards and approaches have changed over the last several decades. Assessment can be a fraught subject for some; being able to objectively evaluate the progress of a student can be difficult, and to avoid instances of insensitivity it should be done with care.

These resources can be found in the lobby of the OISE building, close to the cafeteria. If you should see something that you are interested in borrowing let a staff member know, so that they can remove it from the case for you.

Happy reading!


About Nora Frauley-Elson

Graduate Student Library Assistant at OISE Library| Master of Information 2017, University of Toronto
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