OISE Lobby Display: Mindfulness

More and more we are all becoming aware of just how important it is to engage in self-care so as to encourage mental wellness. By being mindful of our feelings and of what our body and mind need, we are able to encourage a state in which our mental health can thrive. For these reasons, the OISE Library has chosen the month of October to bring awareness to the practice of mindfulness. Throughout the month, there will be a number of features taking place in the library, like our lobby display, that aim to instil mindfulness and balance within all our patrons. The books featured in this display are excellent resources that can guide patrons along their journey to mental wellness.

When in pursuit of titles with a targeted student audience, the library has a number of books, like picture books, that fit the job. Two of these items include Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda by Lauren Alderfer, and Good Night Yoga: A Pose-by-Pose Bedtime Story by Mariam Gates. While Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda features a panda teaching his monkey friend how he uses mindfulness to attain happiness, Good Night Yoga features basic nighttime yoga instructions meant to be accessible and enjoyable for a younger audience. Both are great resources to introduce children to a mindful life.

When searching for resources that could help teachers to introduce mindfulness into the classroom, there are many resources available at the OISE Library. The first of the two featured here is Mindful Games: Sharing Mindfulness and Meditation with Children, Teens, and Families by Susan Greenland. The sections in this resource demonstrate different aspects of mindful living like breathing exercises, focus, and compassion. Mindful Games also contains an index of suggested games that coach students on how to act with calmness and kindness. Similarly, Healthy Breaks: Wellness Activities for the Classroom by Jenine de Marzo is chock-full of classroom activities meant to improve the mental wellness of students. Some of these activities involve meditative activities, inclusion games, and social wellness activities. These five-to-ten minute exercises are sure to energize students and create an inclusive and balanced classroom.

While it is very important that children and teens are introduced to mindful living, it is equally important that instructors themselves engage in self-care. The OISE Library has you covered with resources like Mindfulness: How School Leaders can Reduce Stress and Thrive on the Job by Caryn Wells. This resource instructs educators on methods of stress and anxiety reduction and of mindful practice. By practicing what she refers to as mindful leadership, Wells demonstrates the holistic benefits of instructors who are happy and healthy.

We hope that you take advantage of this display on the main floor of the OISE library, and of the events being offered throughout the month. Every resource on display can be borrowed. Happy living everyone!

About Julie Boon

Graduate Student Library Assistant at OISE Library | Master of Information (LIS) 2018, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
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