New Titles for February

Image result for the poet x coverThe Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo  

Xiomara is a poet. She is not always good with words, so she writes down her thoughts in poem form in her notebook. Whether she is fighting with her mother or navigating her first crush, Xiomara’s thoughts on what’s happening in her life go down in her notebook. She is aware of her poetic talent, but knows that her parents would never approve of her poetry as it portrays an image that does not conform to the good Catholic girl they want her to be. The Poet X is a coming-of-age novel written in beautiful, thought-provoking verse that portrays the ups and downs of teenage life. This book is recommended for grades 11 and 12 students due to portrayals of sex and drug use.  

Trans People in Higher Education edited by Genny Beemyn  

The experiences of transgender students in higher education are not well-documented or well-researched. Genny Beemyn accepted the offer to edit this anthology because they hope this book will be used to learn more about the lived experiences of trans people in higher education, but they also hope that people who have no connection to college campuses will use this book to educate themselves on the broader experiences of trans people. There is a mixture of research studies and personal narratives included in this compilation, as each approach offers different insights into the lives of trans people. This anthology is an excellent resource for educators or those who wish to learn more about the lives of trans people in a higher education context and beyond.

Legacy: Trauma, Story, and Indigenous Healing by Suzanne Methot  

Five hundred years colonization have left their mark on the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Suzanne Methot, a Nehiyaw writer, editor, educator, and community worker, uses history, human development, her own stories and the stories of others to trace the roots of inter-generational trauma. Methot advocates for a return to Indigenous ways of knowing and being in order to understand what it means to be an Indigenous person in the 21st century. This book is a resource for educators looking to deepen their understanding about Canada’s relationship with Indigenous peoples.  


Bringing History Home: A Classroom Teacher’s Quest to Make the Past Matter by Bill Schechter

Many people are familiar with the adage that history repeats itself, and that is not always a good thing. The author of this book, Bill Schecter, drawing on his thirty years’ experience as a teacher, argues that there is a better, more enduring way to encourage students to learn, and more importantly, to make them want to learn than just teaching for success on standardized tests. Teachers should aim to inspire a lifelong love of learning in their students and reducing education to test prep sets low standards that do not serve students well in the world beyond high school. The chapters in this book cover a range of pedagogical approaches, curricula, and resources to strengthen a history program, making this work perfect for educators looking for ways to bring new life to history class.  

Contes d’un autre genre par Gaël Aymon et illustré par François Bourgeon, Sylvie Serprix, Nancy Ribard 

Les contes de fées sont des histoires qui sont adorées partout dans le monde, mais c’est vrai que d’une perspective féministe, les contes de fées ne passent pas des très bons messages aux jeunes filles d’aujourd’hui. Heureusement, Contes d’un autre genre contient trois histoires, complètes avec des illustrations magnifiques, dans lesquelles les princesses sont autosuffisantes et n’ont pas besoin d’un homme pour les sauver. Ce livre serait idéal pour les enseignantes qui veulent introduire des histoires féministes dans leurs salles de classe. 


 These books and more new titles can be found on the ground floor of the OISE Library.

About Sarah Morelli

Graduate Student Library Assistant | Master of Information (LIS & ARM) 2020, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
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