Indigenous Reads: Winter

For the month of December our Indigenous Display is focused around works that deal with the season of winter.

Le Parka = The Parka = Atigi by Sylvain Rivard 

Part of an anthropology of Indigenous clothing, Le Parka = the Parka = Atigi, is trilingual, with versions in French, English and Inuktitut. Illustrated by the author, The Parka explores the history of this traditional garment made from sealskin, caribou skin, walrus gut, and even from bird feathers!  Explores the people from different parts of Land, and how their traditional styles of Parka differ. Worn by all in the community, the parka offers protection from the cold and magical creatures.

SkySisters by Jan Bourdeau Waboose; illustrated by Brian Deines

Two Anishinaabe Sisters travel a Journey through the snow up Coyote Hill under the stars to see the SkySpirits dance. All around them the world is silent with winter, and the sisters must remember to be silent on their journey and remember the words of their Grandmother, “Wisdom comes on silent wings”.  Richly illustrated it brings the Northern Lights to life through the awe of two young sisters seeing them for the first time.  

Christmas La Pouchinn by Deborah L. Delaronde; illustrated by Virginia McCoy

Follow Raymoosh’s life, a Métis boy, through the seasons helping his grandparents at their cabin. He learns lots helping them, tap the trees to collect sap, boiling syrup for maple candies. Throughout the seasons Raymoosh and his grandparents try to keep their traditions alive on the Land, taking pride in their hard work.  They use all that they have harvested to prepare their Christmas feast for when their family friends and loved ones come on Christmas day, and afterwards Raymoosh will travel around the bay to visit all visit family and friends for dancing, singing and celebrations all the way until New Years.  

Rabbit and the Bear by  by Deborah L. Duvall; illustrated by Murv Jacob.

As winter approaches, readers are taken on a journey following Yona, a bear, as he travels up into the Smokey Mountains to prepare for hibernation. Accompanied by the trickster rabbit Ji-Stu, they trek up the mountains to the hidden refuge for all animals at Lake Ata-Gahi. The animals that gather share food, stories and song before they must prepare for their winter hibernation.  Highlighting Cherokee stories, this resource is part of the Grandmother Stories series. 


About Annie McCarron

Graduate Student Library Assistant | Master of Information (LIS) and Master of Museum Studies, 2021 | Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
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