Category Archives: Library Resources

Featured Activity Kit: Word Topper Game

Getting students interested in spelling and vocabulary lessons can be difficult. Luckily, the OISE Library has a number of different games that help students learn while allowing them to have fun. Word Topper is an excellent resource for those looking … Continue reading

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New Juvenile Fiction Book Titles

The OISE Library has recently added several illustrated children’s books to the juvenile fiction collection. A Voyage in the Clouds: The (Mostly) True Story of the First International Flight by Balloon in 1785 (2016) is based on the true story … Continue reading

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New Titles: Makers and Tinkers

A convergence of computer hackers and traditional artisans, Maker Movements and Maker Faires have garnered attention to the maker culture which has gained momentum for its technology-based extension of Do-It-Yourself culture. From designing to making to tinkering, consumers are turned … Continue reading

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International Women’s Day

Worldwide, International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th to recognize the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This also marks a call to action for progress towards gender parity. According to the United Nations, “International Women’s Day … Continue reading

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Music Education at the OISE Library

Music education is one of the OISE lobby display themes for the month of March. The library has a variety of materials available for teaching music, brushing up on theory and exploring new ways to engage students in music at … Continue reading

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