Category Archives: Library Resources

iPads unavailable Oct. 3, 8:30am – 12:30pm

The Library’s 3 iPads will not be available the morning of October 3rd as they are being used in a workshop.  They will be available for loan in the afternoon. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

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ERIC database temporarily shut down

The Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) database is temporarily unavailable due to the partial shutdown of the U.S. federal government.  The following message is posted on the ERIC site: “Dear Users, Due to a lapse of appropriations and the partial … Continue reading

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Best of Summer 2013 Displays

Welcome back everyone! This summer our Graduate Student Library Assistants were hard at work making displays to showcase the different kinds of resources in our collection here at the OISE Library. Displayed now are samples of the catalogue exhibitions. Explorations of Humanity: Ancient … Continue reading

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New OISE Book Display: Let’s Stop Bullying!

One of the most chronic problems in schools is bullying. Students, teachers, parents, and whole communities have to take serious notice and try to stop bullying in the classroom. OISE offers many resources to help teachers prevent bullying and deal … Continue reading

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Education Full Text upgraded to Education Source

We are very excited to announce that the database Education Full Text has been upgraded to Education Source, a package with more comprehensive coverage of journals and books in education and related areas. Education Source includes all of the resources … Continue reading

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