Category Archives: Library Resources

Featured Activity Kit: DNA Activity Model

The DNA Activity Model kit is useful for making learning about the components of DNA hands-on and visual for students from grades 7-12. This 3-D double helix model can be put on display in class for reference throughout lessons on … Continue reading

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Featured Activity Kit: Career Moves

Career Moves: Skills for the Journey is a teacher’s kit created specifically for the grade 10 Career Studies Course and is meant to aid students in their pursuit of professional development. This activity kit not only helps students understand the … Continue reading

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New Titles: Professional and Higher Education

Check out some of the new books that have arrived at the OISE Library–these selected titles explore topics in the field of professional and higher education. The academic gateway: Understanding the journey to tenure, edited by Timonthy M. Sibbald and … Continue reading

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OISE Lobby Display: Black History Month

February is Black History Month and a selection of OISE Library resources are on display in the lobby of the OISE building. This display features useful resources for classroom lessons about Black history, with an emphasis on Black Canadian history. … Continue reading

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OISE Lobby Display: Inclusive Education

This February the OISE Library is featuring its materials on inclusive education. Inclusive education involves ensuring that all students are welcomed into the classroom with supports in place that allow them to learn and participate in all aspects of the … Continue reading

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