Featured Activity Kit: Ancient Egypt Knowledge Cards

photo of featured activity kitExplore the wonders of Ancient Egypt with this week’s Featured Activity Kit, Ancient Egypt Knowledge Cards (C.R. 932 A541). Each card features a colour photograph of an Egyptian artifact, such as a sculpture, painting, or piece of pottery, that illustrates a particular aspect of Egyptian culture, explained on the back of the card. This set will introduce students to the gods of ancient Egypt, religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, hieroglyphic texts, and aspects of daily life. Use the cards to stimulate class discussion, or ask students to present an aspect of ancient Egyptian history or culture to their classmates.

Set includes 48 cards of photographs from the collection of the Brooklyn Museum of Art.

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New titles!

Check out these new titles about sustainability and migration for younger readers at the OISE library!

Reducing Your Foodprint: Farming, Cooking, and Eating for a Healthy Planet (CR. 641.3 R691R c.1)

This title teaches a younger audience about the importance of saving the planet from pollution. This can be done by learning to conserve energy and developing alternative energy sources. The major theme of this title is food! Topics include eating local, green cooking, fair trade food, going organic, and the history of cultivation. The pages contain colourful pictures, and interesting facts such as, “Foods shipped long distances by truck must be kept refrigerated. Fruits are often picked before they are ripe so that they survive the long journey to the market.” Use this book to show children the importance of healthy eating!

Is There a Future for Fossil Fuels? (CR 333.82 R69li c.1).

This new title about sustainability teaches readers about energy and energy use. Topics include traditional energy sources such as oil and coal, and also alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly like wind power! Another aspect readers will benefit from is the history of energy use including oil and the first automobile (the Ford Model T!) This book is similar to the layout of Reducing Your Foodprint, and has colourful pictures and also many interesting facts like, “Whales were once hunted for their blubber, which was used as oil to light lamps.” Grab this title for more great facts about conserving energy!

Population Patterns (CR 304.6 H994 c.1)

Factors like canals, cliff dwellings, commuter towns, river routes, and railroads are only some of the reasons people have migrated to and settled in places on our planet since the dawn of human history. Comparisons between historical reasons for migrating and settling, like being near natural resources such as water, are compared to modern reasons, such as jobs in communications and technology! This book is aimed for an older audience compared to the above two titles, as the information is more dense. However, fun pictures and even many interesting facts are still included like, “Niagara Falls was a barrier to ships on the St. Lawrence River getting to the Great Lakes. The Welland Canal was built so ships could go around the falls, using eight locks that lift ships almost 328 feet (100 m).”

If you enjoyed the examples of fun facts from these books, be sure to check them out along with other new titles on the New Acquisitions shelf of the first floor of the OISE library!

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Featured Activity Kit: In Search of One’s Self

for-blogThis week’s featured activity kit is In Search of One’s Self (CR 155.2 L754i), a set of task cards designed to get students thinking about themselves, their families, their values, and goals. Each card features an activity that encourages self-reflection and creative thinking. Use the cards to spark conversation about students’ families and friends. Foster empathy with students by asking them to think about how other people might be feeling in emotionally charged situations. Ideal for a range of ages, In Search of One’s Self is a valuable addition to any classroom.

The kit includes 45 cards featuring illustrations and activities, a score card, and a mini-award certificate that can be personalized for each student. The kit is currently displayed on the small table near the Circulation Desk on the Ground Floor of the Library. Check it out today!

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Filming in Progress

Wednesday March 20th, from approximately 9am – 11am, Jean-Paul Restoule will be filming the final segment of his Aboriginal Worldviews Coursera class.  He will be filming this segment on the 2nd floor of the Library, in front of Norval Morrisseau’s The
Bear Woman (undated), outside the Interlibrary Loans Office.

Thank you for your understanding, and apologies for any incovenience this may cause.

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Featured Activity Kit: Top Story Board Game

top storyThis week’s featured activity kit is the Top Story Board Game (C.R. 428.1 T673), a fun game for children who are learning how to put words together to form sentences. As players move around the board, they collect word cards featuring different parts of speech and score points for creating complete sentences. Other versions include a sentence-building card game and games to practice reading and spelling.

Stop by the coffee table near the Circulation Desk on the Ground Floor of the Library and check it out!

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