Featured Display: Health and Physical Education

As the weather changes and the sun makes an extended appearance, our energy levels perk up and we begin to get more active. Take advantage of this energy with help from a new book display at the OISE library. We are featuring books with fresh ideas about integrating physical education, sport, and health promotion into the classroom. Included are books about how to design physical education activities for students of all abilities and books about games from around the world. Some of the titles address wider issues of physical education in the context of social responsibility and citizenship. We are also featuring a few titles from our Juvenile Fiction collection about games and sport.

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Kids InfoBits, Canada in Context, and Info Trac Junior

The databases Kids InfoBits, Canada in Context, and Info Trac Junior are no longer available through the University of Toronto Libraries.  We are exploring options for renewing our subscriptions, though access likely won’t be restored for a couple of months.

In the meantime, Kids InfoBits and Canada in Context can be accessed through the Toronto Public Library.

Our sincere apologies for the interruption in access to these databases.

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What’s with the QR codes on the journal shelves?

The OISE Library now has QR codes posted on the current journals shelves that allow you to connect to the journal information online from your smartphone or tablet.

What are QR codes?

  • QR codes are like barcodes you can scan with your smartphone that take you to websites.
  • Scan the QR codes on our journal shelves to find the electronic version of the journal.

What do I need?

How does it work?

  • Open your QR code reader app on your phone or tablet & hold it up to the codes underneath the journals on the shelf.qr code
  • The catalogue record for the journal opens up in your web browser. You can search the journal by clicking on the blue link at the bottom. You can also save it to RefWorks or email it to yourself for later by using the options at the top.

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New Curriculum Resources on Education, Art and Animals!

Stop by the OISE library and check out these new additions to our collection!

Can We Save the Tiger?– Can We Save the Tiger? [CR 333.9522 J52C]: Written by Martin Jenkins with art by Vicky White, this illustrated large-format children’s book explores the many threats facing the endangered species of our planet and the need to prevent their extinction. Using the experiences of a few species as examples, Jenkins highlights the ways human behavior can either threaten or conserve the amazing animals that share our planet. Vicky White’s stunning portraits of rare creatures offer a glimpse of nature’s grace and beauty — and give us a powerful reason to preserve it. Aimed at children aged 5-8.

My Art Book: Animals– My Art Book: Animals [CR 704.9432 M995]: this book introduces children to the history and techniques of art through the subject of animals. Children can ‘take a walk on the wild side’ and see how animals have inspired artists through the years, discover how their masterpieces were created, and make their own art project in turn. The art projects follow simple step-by-step instructions and photographs showing how to make your own animal art, including cubist crabs, engraved rhinos, and wire monkey sculptures.  Aimed at children aged 7 and older.

Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals– Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals: A Mixed-Media Workshop [CR 743.6 S698D]: This book opens with three chapters of fun creative exercises in which you will draw a variety of fun animals and creature as you learn to recover a more childlike approach to creating. The next ten chapters present a variety of mixed-media techniques that incorporate painting, artist’s books, transfers, and more, that will help bring your amazing creatures to life and result in a unique, finished art piece. The books will help improve drawing skills, expand creativity, learn new art approaches, and have fun doing it.

These and other new books are all available on the New Acquisitions shelf on the ground floor of the library.

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Graduation Photos

Graduating from the Master of Teaching program this year?  Graduation photos will be taken March 19, 20 and 21 on the 3rd floor of the OISE Library, in the area to the left when you exit the green doors.

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