Featured Activity Kit: Multipoly Construction Set

imageGet students excited about geometry with the Multipoly Construction Set (C.R. 516.15 M961). The kit includes 36 triangles, 12 pentagons, 12 squares, and 12 half hexagons, which can be attached together using supplied platic clips to create complex 2-D mathematical mosaics and 3-D shapes. Have students build through trial-and-error, or give them directions to create more complex shapes. Use the shapes students have created to teach the names of geometric solids and demonstrate geometry concepts, such as face, point and angle.  Multipoly can be used at all levels of study in geometry, and even young children will be able to manipulate the pieces.  The set is large enough to allow construction of all five platonic solids at the same time.

Stop by the coffee table near the Service Desk on the Main Floor of the Library and check it out today!

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New issue published – Critical Intersections in Education

Critical Intersections in Education is a student-run, open access, peer-reviewed journal at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

The journal’s inaugural issue has been published and is available open access here: http://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/cie/issue/view/1426/showToc

CIE offers an amazing opportunity for students who want to get started in publishing and share their work with education researchers, students, and practitioners.  The journal’s editorial board is always looking for submissions as well as volunteer reviewers for the inaugural issue.

Congratulations to the editorial team on the first issue!

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LibQUAL Survey 2013: Help the Libraries Plan for the Future

(reposted from the UTL News blog)

Beginning on January 16 the University of Toronto Libraries will be inviting faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students to participate in the LibQUAL+ survey. This library service quality survey, developed by the Association of Research Libraries, measures library users’ perceptions of services and resources.

The University of Toronto Libraries are among 50 Canadian libraries participating in this survey, sponsored by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries. The survey is important because it will:

Let us know where we should focus our space and service improvements as we prepare our Strategic Plan 2013-2018.

Allow us to benchmark our results against other libraries to determine best practices.

The information gathered is valuable for planning future library services to support research, teaching and learning at the University of Toronto. If you receive an invitation to the complete the LibQUAL survey by e-mail, we hope you will choose to respond.

Survey FAQ / Results from the 2010 Survey

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Win an iPad Mini or a Kobo Glo: #loveUTL

Love the OISE Library, or maybe one of the other 43 libraries at UofT? Send us a phoot via Twitter and show us what you love most about the UofT Libraries.

Take a photo, provide a short caption in 140 characters (or less) telling us where the photo was taken and what you love about the library, and post it on Twitter with #loveUTL.

The contest closes February 1st.

For more information, see:


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Featured display: Aboriginal issues in education

The Idle No More movement has brought a great deal of attention to Canada’s First Nations peoples, from treaty agreements to environmental concerns. The OISE library is currently featuring a display on Aboriginal issues in education. It showcases books that examine the problems and possibilities of Canada’s education system written from a variety of perspectives. Experimental Eskimos, a Hot Docs award winning documentary, and the CBC documentary, Stolen Children, are also included in the display. Children’s picture books can be a way of addressing current issues with younger students. Nokum is My Teacher by David Bouchard and Knots on a Counting Rope by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault are also displayed.

Check out the display in the glass cabinet on the ground floor level of the library. All material is available to be checked out. Please see library staff for assistance.

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