Readings for proposal development

After our research and Weblog meetings yesterday I was looking around for articles that might be helpful for the proposal development process.

The article on literature reviews that I had mentioned is the following:
Boote, D. N. & Beile, P.(2005). Scholars before researchers: on the centrality of the dissertation literature review in research preparation. Educational Research , 34(6),3-15.
This is the link to the library online version:;jsessionid=4TPPJZMPJIYULQA3DIMCFGOADUNGIIV0?_requestid=5527
I thought this one was useful because it talks about the elements of a good literature reivew in more detail than the Anderson and Kanuka chapter we read this week.

The second article I found is about Mixed Methods research.
Johnson, R. B. & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Edducational Researcher, 33(7), 14-26.;jsessionid=4TPPJZMPJIYULQA3DIMCFGOADUNGIIV0?_requestid=4808

I thought this one would serve as a good beginning article for us to look at in subsequent meetings and we can look later at more specific issues that arise out of this one.

Don’t forget to think about what we might submit for a proposal to the IADIS virtual conference (the elearning sub-conference
I think the notion of what a weblog actually is–a focus that was brought up yesterday– is a good angle. We could each contribute a picture of how we see and use them and organize those views into a series of perspectives which could each be connected to a discussion of the technical affordances and problems as design issues…. Will think more about this.

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