
Larry Bencze

John Lawrence Bencze, Associate Professor Emeritus
Dept. of CTL, OISE, University of Toronto, 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON, M5S 1V6, Canada
[Office: 10-154; E-mail: larry.bencze@utoronto.ca; This website: www.lbencze.ca]

Action research promoting & studying global ecojustice.

Welcome to my website, where you can learn about and/or become involved in my research & publications and access related pedagogical resources. In the ‘STEPWISE’ project, we explore teachers’ education of students so they may, eventually, self-direct effective ‘RiNA’ projects to overcome harms – like climate crises – in STEM-SE relationships that appear largely due to influences of global elite. As elaborated here and in my Position Statement, STEPWISE is designed to counter effects of neoliberalism on science/STEM education, like Stratifying Inquiry-based Learning & Sanitized STEM Education and Public Propaganda. As in the video at right/below, we imagine global ecojustice. You can invite us to share our work and/or arrange to work with us at outreach.