
'Larry' Bencze

John Lawrence Bencze, Associate Professor Emeritus
Dept. of CTL, OISE, University of Toronto, 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON, M5S 1V6, Canada
[Office: 10-154; E-mail: larry.bencze@utoronto.ca; This website: www.lbencze.ca]

Action research studying/promoting global ecojustice.

Welcome! Here, you can learn about my research & publication work and access related pedagogical resources. In the ‘STEPWISE’ project, we explore teachers’ efforts to enable students to eventually self-direct effective ‘RiNA’ projects to overcome harms – like climate crises – in STEM-SE relationships that appear largely due to influences of global elite. As elaborated here and in my Position Statement, STEPWISE is designed to counter effects of neoliberalism on STEM education, like Stratifying Inquiry-based Learning & Sanitized STEM Education and Public Disinformaton. As indicated in the video at right/below, promotion of global ecojustice has been lengthy – and often – frustrating, partly now with Trump & Co. controlling the USA.