
'Larry' Bencze

John Lawrence Bencze, Associate Professor Emeritus
Dept. of CTL, OISE, University of Toronto, 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON, M5S 1V6, Canada
[Office: 10-154; E-mail: larry.bencze@utoronto.ca; This website: www.lbencze.ca]

Action research promoting/studying global ecojustice.

Welcome! Here, you can learn about my research and publication programme and gain access to related teaching & learning resources. Based on the STEPWISE framework, I facilitate action research to develop effective approaches in science/STEM education that help students to critically-analyse STEM-SE relationships and develop & implement research-informed & socially-negotiated socio-political actions to help overcome risks &/or harms of their concern in such relationships. STEPWISE is particularly aimed at countering pro-capitalist networks to help increase global social justice & environmental vitality.