
Dr. J. Lawrence (‘Larry’) Bencze, Associate Professor Emeritus, Dept. CTL, OISE, U. Toronto

Welcome to my online CV! As a ‘retiree,’ I no longer teach courses (e.g., here); although I do some university service (e.g., FOE; SMT). Mostly, though, I focus on the STEPWISE research & publication programme – working with colleagues, graduate students, teachers & others in collaborative action research to learn about students’ research-informed & negotiated sociopolitical actions to overcome STEM-SE Harms of their concern. Some publications from this work are highlighted below. Also see my: ORCID, Google Scholar page, UofT profile and a PDF copy of my latest full curriculum vitae linked below.


Goals for my research & publication have – as seen here – evolved since I began grad. studies in 1988. Likely because I had completed primary research for my MSc (1977), my early work (starting with my PhD thesis) studied promotion of students’ SD/OE science inquiry & engineering design projects – foci that largely deal with ‘Intra-STEM Phenomena. As I learned more about the Nature of Science (NoS), especially from my PhD Supervisor (Derek Hodson), my studies of inquiry & design projects also came to prioritize Naturalist-Antirealist NoS perspectives. Although I had many ‘successes’ with these foci, there seemed to be an ‘invisible hand’ blocking broad adoption of SD/OE activities. But, in reading books like The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, Real Science & Science in the Private Interest, it seemed there is a virtual capitalist ‘Borg’ limiting student self-determination via SD/OE projects. This led me to shift my research towards ‘STEM-Society-Environment (STEM-SE) relationships‘ and, especially, promotion of RiNA projects to address STEM-SE Harms – and, most recently, mobilization of values using an actor-network theory based dispositif concept. Some relevant findings are given here.

In the above video, Dr. Pam Brittain and I discuss my contributions to the Canadian Journal of SMT Education. Also see my Position Statement (71pgs).

(From Full Curriculum Vitae)

Latest Publications

Edited Refereed Book Chapters

Refereed Publications

Books (all)

Chapters in Edited Books (recent)

  • Bencze, L., El Halwany, S., Guerrero, G., Ibrahim, S., Zouda, M., & Del Gobbo, D. (in development). School science promoting eco-just zeitgeists: Growing cultures of ‘critique & altruism.’ In W. Lodge, & J. Dillon (Eds.), Culture and science education: Towards more inclusive practice (pp. xx-xx). London: Bloomsbury.
  • Bencze, L., Ibrahim Khan, S., Del Gobbo, D., El Halwany, S., & Guerrero, G. (in review). Secondary students’ visions of and actions promoting material-semiotic networks prioritizing climate vitality. In A. Sezen-Barrie & S. Tolbert (Eds.), Handbook of climate change education research, policy, and practice (pp. xx-xx). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Bencze, L., & Pouliot, C. (in press). Encouraging and enabling student socio-political actions through dispositif dynamism analyses. In D. Zeidler (Ed.), A moral inquiry into epistemic insights in science education: Personal and global perspectives of socioscientific issues (pp. xx-xx). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Bencze, L., Carter, L., & Martins, I. (in press). Post-pandemic science & technology education: Ongoing challenges to societies. In C.B. Moura (Ed.), Science education for post-pandemic worlds: Towards a socio-political turn. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Bencze, L., El Halwany, S., & Zouda, M. (in press). Science students dreaming of future ecojust material-semiotic assemblages: Drawing from critical & altruistic ‘food for thought.’ In J.D. Adams & C. Siry (Eds.), Wondering science: Creativity, imagination and future thinking in science education (pp. xx-xx). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Journal Articles (recent)

  • El Halwany, S., Bencze, L., Hassan, N., Schaffer, K., Milanovic, M., & Zouda, M. (2021). Becoming alive within science education (research): Thinking with life history(ies), bodies and stickiness. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16(1), 85–107.
  • El Halwany, S., Zouda, M., & Bencze, L. (2021). Stepping into STS literature: Some implications for promoting socioecological justice through science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16(4), 1083-1096. [invited]
  • Bencze, J.L. (2020). Re-visioning ideological assemblages through de-punctualizing and activist science, mathematics & technology education. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics & Technology Education, 20(4), 736–749. [invited]
  • Bencze, L., Pouliot, C., Pedretti, E., Simonneaux, L., Simonneaux, J., & Zeidler, D. (2020). SAQ, SSI and STSE education: Defending and extending ‘Science-in-Context’. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 15(3), 825–851.

Accepted Conference Presentations


Latest Conference Presentations

CSSE 2024 (June 12-17, Montréal)

  • Del Gobbo, D., Ibrahim, S., El Halwany, S., Guerrero, G., Kofman, N., Zouda, M., Bencze, L. (2014). 3D printed dreams: STEAM education as an accelerator of sustainable engineering. (Proposal)

Upcoming Conferences of Interest

AERA 2025 (April 23-27,  Denver, CO). [Props due Aug. 2, 2024]

Recent Invited Academic Talks

Non-refereed Publications

Books (recent)

Science Education for Civic Action

A teacher resource book (PDF) for implementing STEPWISE pedagogy

L. Bencze, Position Statement

STEM Education as an Instrument for Global Ecojustice
A (71-pg) Resource for Science Educators

Graphic Novel (PDF): Ban the Dust!

Journal Articles (recent)

  • Bencze, J.L. (2022). Expanding pro-ecojust dispositifs in/through science & technology education. Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education, 12(1), i-xi.
  • Bencze, L., Del Gobbo, D., El Halwany, S., Milanovic, M., Qureshi, N., Padamsi, Z., & Zouda, M. (2022). Science students’ ecojust engineering designs: Teacher and student bricoleurs. Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education, 12(1), 1-11.
  • Bencze, L., Del Gobbo, D., El Halwany, S., Mohammad, N.H., Milanovic, M., Yeung, J., & Zouda, M. (2022). School science students envisaging (a)biotic alliances prioritizing their informed values. Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education, 12(1), 12-23.
  • El Halwany, S., & Bencze, L. (2022). Excessive pedagogies: Emotional contours of STEPWISE in a college science lab. Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education, 12(1), 24-32.
  • Ibrahim, S., Del Gobbo, D., Halwany, S., Zouda, M., Milanovic, M., Hassan, N., Krstovic, M., Kofman, N., & Bencze, L. (2022). STEAM not STEaM: Revisioned pedagogies prioritizing social justice and ecological sustainability in STEAM education. Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education, 12(1), 33-52.
  • Kofman, N., Zouda, M., El Halwany, S., Del Gobbo, D., Ibrahim Khan, S., Guerrero, G., & Bencze, L. (2022). Meeting them ‘where they’re at’: Critical secondary school NoS resource development. Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education, 12(1), 85-95.
  • Zouda, M., Tsoubaris, D., El Halwany, S., Milanovic, M., Padamsi, Z., Qureshi, N., & Bencze, L. (2022). Conceptions on STSE issues and relationships: Toward activism in science education. Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education, 12(1), 53-64.

Seminars (recent)

  • Bencze, L. (2023). Critical & altruistic student engagement in/through science and technology education. An interactive presentation at the first conference of the Tikkun project of the Leo Baeck Day School, Toronto, March 9, 2023. [slideshow]


Editorial Board Memberships

  • Cultural Studies of Science Education. This journal’s priorities highly align with my socio-political views. Supported by Springer publishers, they also host the annual CSSE Forum – a small conference featuring longer, small-group, discussions. As a Board member, I also serve as Lead Editor for submitted manuscripts – which involves initial overall review and coordination of expert reviews of each manuscript to which I have been assigned.
  • Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education. This series of books published by Springer also aligns with my political views and is edited by Dana Zeidler – a prominent scholar regarding socioscientific issues education. I am asked to review proposals for academic books for this series.

Journal Guest Editor

  • CSSE 12.4 (2017): Biopolitics & Science Education;
  • CJSMTE 10.3 (2010): Activism through SMT Education;
  • Orbit 31.3 (2000): Science, Math. & Technology (Education) for All.

Journal Co-founder/Editor

Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education

In 2009, Dr. Steve Alsop (York University, Toronto) and I co-founded/edit JASTE – a community-reviewed & open-access journal that focuses on knowledge about STEM-SE Harms and rectifying civic actions. Rather than possibly restricting authors’ creativity through peer review, we hope readers will provide authors with feedback they might use to further develop their scholarship. Our latest issue is: JASTE 13.1 (2024), which is the fourth of our school-based issues that feature articles by high school students and teachers. Dr. Jesse Bazzul (U Regina) served as co-editor (2014-19), leading some critical issues and helping us convert to using the OJS hosting service. Please consider helping us advertise JASTE at:

School-based JASTE Issues

As a result of collaborative action research involving high school teachers of science, four issues of JASTE – linked to the graphics at right/below – have been produced. These feature some academic articles, articles written by teachers and reports of RiNA projects written by students. Please help us share these JASTE issues with educators and others who may find them helpful.



  • PhD, Education (U. Toronto [OISE]), 1992-1995); Thesis: Bencze, J.L. (1995). Towards a more authentic and feasible science curriculum for secondary schools. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
  • BEd, Biology/Chemistry (Queen’s U., Kingston, ON, 1976-77).
  • MSc, Biology (Queen’s U., Kingston, ON, 1974-77); Thesis: Bencze, J.L. (1977). Cytogenetic and fine structural analysis of polytene chromosomes from Drosophila melanogaster. Unpublished MSc Thesis. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University.
  • BSc, Biology (Queen’s U., Kingston, ON, 1970-74).
  • Secondary School Diploma (academic studies), PCVS (1968-70), Peterborough, ON.
  • Secondary School Diploma (technology studies), PCVS (1964-66); ASCVI (1966-68), Peterborough, ON.
  • Elementary School Diploma, St. Peter’s Elementary School (1956-64), Peterborough, ON.

Work Experience

  • Associate Professor Emeritus, Science Education, OISE/UT, since July 1, 2018.
  • Assistant-Associate Professor, Science Education, OISE/UT, 1998-2018 (tenure, 2003; major courses).
  • Assistant Professor of Education, College of Education, U. Saskatchewan, 1997-98 (1-year position).
  • Independent Science Consultant, 1995-97.
  • Consultant, Intermediate & Senior Science, York CDSB, Ontario, 1988-92.
  • Science Teacher, Elementary & Secondary Private & Public Schools, Ontario, 1977-88.

Personal Note

After ‘retirement’ on July 1, 2018, from teaching and most university service work, I moved – for family reasons – to Kingston, Ontario. I often am, however, at OISE for meetings (Office: 10-154). To meet up, in-person or online, write to me at: