As shown at right/below, action research involves cycles of reflecting on one’s perspectives and practices (P&P), planning new P&P (e.g., based on STEPWISE pedagogy), acting on new P&P, observing (data-collection) their uses with students, and then reflecting again to determine new P&P. Such AR cycles can be conducted by and shared among teachers, teacher educators, student-teachers and others. As elaborated here, here & here, we often study effects of changes in possible ’cause’ variables (e.g., teaching about the Mendelian Paradox) on changes in certain ‘result’ variables (e.g., students’ views about importance of data vs. theories in inquiries). A teacher here describes his efforts to continually improve his teaching, in this case, of actor-network theory – which is a fundamental concept in STEPWISE pedagogy and in research. Such work has led to numerous publications, often including participating teachers.