New Curriculum Resources on Literacy & Education

Stop by the OISE library and check out these new additions to our collection!

– 50 Literacy Strategies: Step by Step, 4th Ed. [CR 808.042 T662F]: This wonderful new edition is a conveniently organized resource for all elementary and middle school teachers, providing research-based and classroom-tested strategies to develop literacy skills. This thoroughly revised new edition – loaded with information on adapting instruction, implementing standards, and integrating technology – offers a rich resource for all prospective and practicing literacy teachers. Everything you need to implement each instruction strategy – appropriate grade level, adaptations for English learners, information on when and why to use the strategy, and a step-by-step description of the procedure.

– Building Students’ Historical Literacies: Learning to Read and Reason with Historical Texts and Evidence [CR 907.1073 N785B]: How can teachers incorporate the richness of historical resources into classrooms in ways that are true to the discipline of history and are pedagogically sound? This book explores the notion of historical literacy, adopts a research-supported stance on literacy processes, and promotes the integration of content-area literacy instruction into history content teaching. It is unique in its focus on the discipline-specific literacies of historical inquiry. Addressing literacy from a historian’s rather than a literacy specialist’s point of view, this book surveys a broad range of texts, including those that historians and non-historians both use and produce in understanding history, and includes a wide variety of practical instructional strategies immediately available to teachers.

– Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking, 2nd Ed. [CR 428.0071 C678L 2011]: Developed to meet the changing needs of K-12 instructors in today’s information-driven society, this new edition identifies the “new literacies” and provides practical tips for integrating technology in literacy instruction. The text emphasizes a balanced approach to reading education that incorporates both the whole language and skills-based/phonics approaches. It also features in-depth information on tailoring reading programs to meet the needs of a multicultural student body. Hundreds of examples of classroom practice include chapter-opening vignettes, student work samples, and examples of instructional strategies for various grade levels.

These and other new books are all available on the New Acquisitions shelf on the ground floor of the library.

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