Featured Activity Kit: Super Big Boggle

Are you looking for a way to build your students’ vocabulary in a fun, interactive (and somewhat noisy) way? Then look no further than Super Big Boggle! This game puts brains to the test to see who can come up with the most amount of words in 4 minutes.  

This game is nothing short of a challenge. Super Big Boggle contains 1 letter grid with a dome, 36 letter cubes, 1 sand timer, and 1 instruction sheet. Players (minimum two, but no maximum!) choose someone to shake the cube containing the grid of the letter cubes. After all the letter cubes are settled into their slots, play begins! The goal is to come up with as many words as possible (there is the option to assign points based on number of letters) within the 4-minute time limit. It should be noted that Super Big Boggle contains two non-standard letter cubes: one with the letters “th” and one with a solid square or “blank” on it. The square means players may go around the blank, but not through it. Much like Scrabble, words cannot be proper nouns, abbreviations, contractions or foreign words. Teachers will find this is an excellent tool for challenging students to use and improve their vocabulary skills.  

This game is recommended for those in Grade 3 and up given the pressure involved in the game.  

If you would like to play Super Big Boggle in your classroom, it is currently on display on the third floor Display and Play area of the OISE Library.  For more word-based games and kits like this, please look through the OISE Library K-12 Manipulative Database or browse the 3rd floor of the Library.  

About Sarah Morelli

Graduate Student Library Assistant | Master of Information (LIS & ARM) 2020, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
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