New titles!

Check out these new titles from our Women Educational Resource Collection!


The centrality of girlhood in shaping a woman’s life depends on age, gender, race, and a multitude of other identities. This title is a compilation of essays that covers historical information about girlhood from 1750 to the present. Girls from almost every region are discussed, and the various continuities and differences are examined. The case studies and essays by various scholars are arranged thematically so readers can compare how girls are influenced by locations and historical developments. Some topics that are included are colonialism, political repression, war, modernization, migration, and the rise of consumer culture.

Manifesta: Young women, feminism, and the future (10th Anniversary Edition)

Manifesta was originally published in the year 2000, when girl culture was clearly on the rise. Female pride was clearly seen with shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the development of the WNBA. This being said, feminism was at a crossroads. Many “girl power” feminists were obsessed with personal empowerment at the expense of politics. Publications such as Ms. and NOW had lost the ability to speak to the new generation of feminists. Authors, Jennifer Baumgarder and Amy Richards examined how “girl culture” did not put feminism at risk. Manifesta went on to inspire a new generation of female readers, and has become a contemporary classic. In this anniversary edition the world has changed in both promising and disheartening ways for the female cause. With a provocative new introduction, the original arguments of this classic title are still urgent and timely!

On the Move for Love

U.S. Military camp towns or gijichon have been fixtures of South Korea since the Korean War. The most popular form of entertainment is clubs that attract military clientele. The clubs are so attractive because of duty-free alcohol, music, shows, and women entertainers. However, in the 1990s many Korean women left because of Korea’s rapid economic advancement and the stigma attached to their line of work. To fill these vacancies, club owner hired cheap labour predominantly from the Philippines and ex-Soviet states. Because of an increasing presence of foreign workers in Korea, conversations about modernity, nationalism, ethnicity, and human rights have precipitated. Feminists, NGOS, and media reports have identified these women as victims of sex trafficking and forced prostitution. This title explores question such as, are these women victims or simply migrant women? How do these women understand the experiences they have had? The author answers these questions by following the lives of migrant Filipina entertainers who work in various gijichon clubs.

Find these titles on the New Acquisitions Shelf on the Ground Floor of the OISE library!


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Featured Activity Kit: What Leaf Is It?

leafSpring turns our attention upward as blossoms and leaves fill trees with colour. This week’s featured activity kit can help teachers bring the exploration of trees and leaves into the classroom. What Leaf Is It? [CR 508 W5551] is a hands-on nature kit containing samples of North American leaves, both identified and unidentified. The kit also contains a leaf identification manual and a teacher’s manual with seven suggested classroom activities.

What Leaf Is It? develops classification, observation, and description skills in students from grades 1-12. Students can classify leaves, use the leaf key to identify unknown leaves, design their own leaf key, learn how to preserve leaves, and create leaf art.

The kit is currently displayed on the small table near the Circulation Desk on the Ground Floor of the Library. Check it out today!

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New Titles!

Check out these new titles at the OISE library!

 Keep Them Reading: An Anti-Censorship Handbook for Educators

This handbook is ideal for teachers, librarians, and administrators to prevent censorship in a school or school system, and what to do if it happens. The award-winning authors of this book have devoted their careers to anti-censorship work. They discuss the importance of reading, and how censorship issues can cause problems for even the best literacy programs. Topics described in this tile include understanding challenges and censorship, developing a philosophy, engaging the community, preparing for a challenge, and much more!

The Story of My Thinking

This new title will help teachers lead their student through the writing process from generating ideas to publication. Authors Gretchen Bernabei and Dottie Hall describe new ways to teach expository writing so it will realistically match how students actually think and write. The barrier between “academic” writing, and “creative” writing will be broken down with the teaching methods put forth in this books, and allow students to write non-fiction with a strong voice. All activities are based on situations teachers may find themselves in, and are easily adaptable.

What It Is

This beautifully drawn graphic novel demonstrates a creative method that is playful yet powerful. The author Lynda Barry fills the pages with full-colour drawings, comics, collages, and autobiographical sections, which explore the depths of creation and imagination. In her fist book published by Canada’s Drawn & Quarterly, Lynda Barry’s insights and sincerity will encourage the creative inhibitions of her readers.

These and other new titles can be found on the New Acquisitions shelf of the first floor of the OISE library.

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New Arrivals on Environmental Education

Stop by the OISE library and check out these new additions to our collection!

 – Educating for Eco-Justice and Community [363.70071 B786E]: In this book, the author outlines a strategy for educational reform that confronts the rapid degradation of our ecosystems by renewing the face-to-face, intergenerational traditions that can serve as alternatives to our hyper-consumerist, technology-driven worldview. He explains how current technological and progressive programs of educational reform operate on deep cultural assumptions that came out of the Enlightenment and led to the Industrial Revolution. These beliefs frame our relationship with nature in adversarial terms, view progress as inevitable, and elevate the individual over community, expertise over intergenerational knowledge, and profit over reciprocity.

 – Environmental Education for the 21st Century: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives [333.7071 E61]: This volume offers many entry points for environmental teaching. Its scope and range provide a stimulating overview of the state of the art in the environmental curriculum in the humanities, the social sciences, teacher education, family and consumer sciences, business, and journalism as well as perspectives on creating a green academic environment through teaching, administration, and media relations.

– Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education [796.5 S677B]: This book speaks to teachers, parents, and others interested in nurturing in children the ability to understand and care for nature. This expanded version of one of Orion Magazine’s most popular articles includes descriptions of developmentally appropriate environmental education activities and a list of related children’s books.

These and other new books are all available on the New Acquisitions shelf on the ground floor of the library.

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More new OISE Faculty publications!

Can’t visit the display case on the ground floor? Hungry for more OISE Faculty publications? Check out some of the following titles:

Barrie Bennett

Bennett, B. Smilanich P. (2013). Power plays. Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada

Charles Chen

Chen, C.P. & Lee, W. (2012). Ethnicity and careers of Chinese-Canadian young adults: Professions – training, education and demographics. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Pantel, S.J. & Chen, C.P. (2012). Anxiety, self-efficacy, and research management: A study of academic achievement. Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Roland Coloma

Coloma, R.S., McElhinny, B., Tungohan, E., Catungal, J.P.C., & Davidson, L.M. (Eds.). (2012). Filipinos in Canada: Distributing invisibility. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Karyn Cooper

Cooper, K. & White, R.E.(2012). Qualitative research in the post-modern era: Contexts of qualitative research. New York: Springer.

Alister Cumming

Cumming, A. (Ed.) (2012). Adolescent Literacies in a multicultural context. New York: Routledge.

Ortega, L., Cumming, A., & Ellis, N. (Eds.). (2013). Agendas for language learning research. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

George J. Sefa Dei

Dei, G.J.S. & Kempf, A. (2013). New perspectives on African-centered education in Canada. Canadian Scholars Press.

Asabere-Ameyaw, A., Dei, G.J.S. & Raheem, K.(Eds.). (2012). Contemporary issues in African sciences and science education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Jane Gaskell & Ben Levin

Gaskell, J. & Levin, B. (2012). Making a difference in urban schools: Ideas, politics and pedagogy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Tara Goldstein

Goldstein, T. (2012). Staging Harriet’s House, writing and producing research-informed theatre. New York: Peter Lange Publishing, Inc.

Gila Hanna

Hanna, G.& de Villiers, M. (Eds.). (2012). Proof and proving in mathematics education: The 19th ICMI Study. New York: Springer.

Glen Jones

Pinheiro, R., Benneworth, P. & Jones, G.A. (Eds.). (2012). Universities and regional development: A critical assessment of tensions and contradictions. London: Routledge.

Mary Kooy

Kooy, M., & van Veen, K.(Eds.). (2012). Teacher learning that matters: International perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Ben Levin

Levin, B. (2012). More high school graduates. Corwin Press and Ontario Principal’s Council.

Glaze, A., Mattingley, R. & Levin, B. (2012). Breaking barriers: Excellence and equity for all. Toronto: Pearson and Ontario Principal’s Council.

Kiran Mirchandani

Mirchandani, Kiran. (2012). Phone clones: Authenticity work in the transnational service economy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Roy Moodley

Whitehead, S., Talahite, A. & Moodley, R. (2013). Gender and identity. Oxford University Press.

Moodley, R., Gielen, U. & Wu, R. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy in an international context. New York: Routledge.

Moodley, R., Epp, L. & Yusuf, H. (Eds.). (2012). Counseling across the cultural divide: A Clemont Vontress reader. UK: PCCS Books.

Karen Mundy

Mundy, K. & Zha, Q. (Eds.). (2012). Education and global cultural dialogue: Essays in honour of Professor Ruth Hayoe. Palgrave MacMillan.

Robertson, S., Mundy, K., Verger, A., & Menashy, F. (Eds.). (2012). Public private partnerships in education: New actors and modes of governance in a globalizing world. London: Edward Elgar.

John Portelli

McMahon, B.J. & Portelli, J.P. (2012). Student engagement in urban schools: Beyond neoliberal discourses. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Jack Quarter

Mook, L., Quarter, J., & Ryan, S. (Eds.). (2012). Business with a difference: Balancing the social and economic. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press

James Ryan

Ryan, J. (Ed) (2012). Struggling for inclusion: Educational leadership in a neoliberal world.  Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Susan Schwartz & Mindy Pollishuke

Schwartz, S. & Pollishuke, M. (2013). Creating the dynamic classroom: A handbook for teachers (2nd ed.), Toronto, ON: Pearson.

Lyn Sharratt

Sharratt, L. & Fullan, M. (2012). Putting  faces  on the data: what great leaders do! Twin Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Nina Spada

Lightbrown, P.M. & Spada, N. (2013). How languages are learned (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Stephanie Springgay

Springgay, S. & Freedman, D. (Eds). (2012). Mothering a bodied curriculum: Emplacement, desire, affect. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

Jennifer Sumner

Koc, M., Sumner, J. & Winson, A. (Eds.). (2012). Critical perspectives in food studies. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press.

Harold Troper

Troper, H. (published online 2012). The defining decade: Identity, politics, and the Canadian Jewish community in the 1960s. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press

Abell, I. & Troper (2012). None is too many: Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933-1948. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press

John Wallace

Rennie, L., Venville, G. & Wallace, J. (2012). Knowledge that counts in a global community: Exploring the contribution of integrated curriculum. London: Routledge.

Rennie, L., Venville, G. & Wallace, J. (Eds.). (2012). Integrating science, technology, engineering and mathematics: Issues, reflections and ways forward. New York & London: Routledge.

Marvin Zuker

Zuker, M.A. (2012). Ontario small claims court practice. Toronto, ON: Carswell

Zuker, M.A. (2012). Consolidated Ontario small claims court statutes, regulations and rules. Toronto, ON: Carswell

Book Chapters

Ruth Childs

Childs, R.A. & Broomes, O. (2013). Role and design of background questionnaires in large-scale assessments. In M. Simon, K Erclkan & M. Roussea (Eds.), Improving large-scale assessment in education: Theory, Issues and practice (pp.27-42). New York: Routledge.

Karyn Cooper

Cooper, K. (2012). When curriculum becomes a stranger. In S.E. Gibson (Ed.) Canadian curriculum studies (pp.63-77). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Indigo Esmonde

Esmonde, I., Pilner Blair, K., Goldman, S., Martin, L., Jimenez, O., & Pea, R. (2013). Math I am: What we learn from stories that people tell about math in their lives. In B. Bevan, P. Bell, R. Stevens, A. Razfar (Eds.). LOST opportunities: Learning in out-of-school time (pp.7-28). New York: Springer.

Esmonde, I. (2013). What counts as mathematics when ‘we all use math everyday’?: A look at NUMB3RS. In B. Bevan, P. Bell, R. Stevens, A. Razfar (Eds.), LOST opportunities: Learning in out-of-school time. New York: Springer.

Joseph Flessa & Stephen Anderson

Fless, J. & Anderson, S. (2012). Un aporte para Chile des de la perspectival intenacional. In J. Weinstein & G. Munoz (Eds.) ¿Qué sabemos sobre los directores de escualea en Chile? Santiago, Chile: Fundacio Chile.

Joseph Roy Gillis

Gillis, J.R. & Diamond, S.L. (2012). Dynamics of partner abuse in sexual and gender minority communities. In R. Alaggia & C. Vine (Eds.), Cruel but not unusual: Violence in Canadian families: A sourcebook for educators & practitioners (2nd ed., pp.213-234). London, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Wanja Gitari

Gitari, W. (2012). Engaging scientific activities to build endogenous science and lay foundation for the improvement of living conditions in Africa. In Asabere-Ameyaw, G.J.S. Dei & K. Raheem (Eds.), Contemporary issues in African sciences and science education (pp.29-54). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Julie Kerekes

Kerekes, J., Chow, J., Lemak, A. & Perhan, Z. (2013). Trust or betrayal: Immigrant engineers’ employment-seeking experiences in Canada. In C.N. Candlin & J. Crichton (Eds.), Discourses of trust. (pp.269-285). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Jean-Paul Restoule

Restoule, J.P. (2012). Urban Aboriginal migration in North America: A Diasporic identity. In P. Kapadia & R. Field (Eds.), Transforming diaspora: Communities beyond national boundaries (pp.21-36). New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickenson University Press.

Titchkosky, Tanya

Titchkosky, T. & Michalko, R. (2012). The body as the problem of individuality: A phenomenological disability studies approach. In D. Goodley, B. Hughes, & L. Davis (Eds.), Disability and social theory: New developments and directions (pp.127-142). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan

Harold Troper

Menkis, R. & Troper, H. (2012). Racial laws vs. olympic aspirations in the Anglo-Canadian press of fall 1935. In R.L. Klein (Ed.) Nazi Germany, Canadian responses: Confronting antisemitism in the shadow of war (pp.46-78). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

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