Featured Activity Kit: Into the Forest

featured activity kitInto the Forest: Nature’s Food Chain Game (C.R. 591.53 I61) will help children to learn about the food web in a temperate forest and teach them about predator-prey relationships. Cards are dealt among the players, each one showing a plant or animal in the forest and listing what the organism eats and is eaten by. Players take turns challenging each other, winning cards from others that fall lower on the food chain. The cards can also be used to play versions of Solitaire, Concentration, and Rummy.

The kit includes 41 cards, a score pad, and detailed instructions. Also included is the Nature’s forest food web, an illustrated chart that shows how all animals depend on plants, which are at the beginning of the food chain.  Recommended for 2-6 players, age 7 and up.

Stop by the coffee table near the Circulation Desk on the Ground Floor of the Library and check it out!

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Library Closed Family Day

The OISE Library will be closed Monday February 18th for Family Day.

We will reopen Tuesday February 19th at 8:30am.

Enjoy the long weekend!

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Resources for Your Practicum – Aboriginal Education

As you head out to your practicum this term, check out OISE’s Deepening Knowledge Project website for materials to use in the classroom. The Deepening Knowledge Project helps teachers to incorporate Aboriginal peoples’ knowledges and histories into their practice.

No matter what grade level or subject you are teaching, you will find a wealth of resources on the site, including:

Some of these resources also exist in the library. Learn more about finding resources about Aboriginal Peoples in the library here: http://wordpress.oise.utoronto.ca/librarynews/2011/11/13/finding-resources-about-canadas-aboriginal-peoples-at-utl/



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Call for submission from Critical Intersections in Education

Critical Intersections in Education is a student-run, open access, peer-reviewed journal from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). It publishes both scholarly articles and submissions that go beyond traditional forms of academic publication to challenge and inspire the educational community.

The editorial team is now inviting submissions for the second issue of the journal, to be published in May 2013. Editors welcome previously unpublished text-based and multimodal submissions, including manuscripts (empirical papers, issues papers, philosophical analyses, critical integrative literature reviews, book reviews, and review essays) and visual essays. Contributions from the OISE student and faculty community are encouraged.

Deadline for submissions is March 1, 2013.
For more information see the journal announcements at: http://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/cie/index

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ERIC document update

In August 2012, ERIC pulled down many of their full text materials due to privacy concerns that were raised about some of the information contained in several unpublished documents. For our post from last summer see: http://uoft.me/3hh

We now have an update about how the process of getting things back online is going. The update is from Erin Pollard, Associate Research Scientist, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U. S. Department of Education. The update from ERIC is posted here:

It sounds like it’s still going to be a long process until everything is back up. So, in the meantime, our ERIC fiche collection might be a possibility for you if you’re looking for older materials.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

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