OISE Lobby Display: Bullying

November is an important month for bullying awareness in Ontario. Every year, the third Sunday of the month of November marks the beginning of Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. During this week, parents, administrators, teachers and students alike are encouraged to engage with and confront the reality of bullying in such a way that promotes and encourages safe and inclusive school environments. By learning more about the effect bullying has on the physical, mental and emotional well-being of students, it becomes possible to foster positive learning environments. The items featured in this display aim to do just that by providing information on bullying with both student and teacher audiences in mind.

One /The picture book One by Kathryn Otoshi confronts the issue of bullying with honesty and wit. Geared towards children of a younger audience, this item follows the day in the life of a dot named Blue. Although Blue is quiet and somewhat shy, Blue is overall happy with who they are as a dot. However, this all changes when Blue begins to be bullied by Red. This story offers a transcendent perspective on bullying that condemns the behaviour of bullies and bystanders while still employing the notion that all students deserve empathy and a second chance.

Bully : an action plan for teachers and parents to combat the bullying crisis /

Affiliated with the acclaimed film “Bully” directed by Lee Hirsch, Bully: An Action Plan for Teachers and Parents to Combat the Bullying Crisis provides an extended look into the lives of the families that were featured in the documentary. Filled with advice, anecdotes and essays about bullying that are produced by experts, authors and parents, this book is a great resource for combating bullying both in and out of the classroom. By featuring personal stories of families who have been affected by bullying, this book encourages empathy and provides insight into the methods that can be used to combat bullying behaviours.

While Bullying and Cyberbullying: What Every Educator Needs to Know by Elizabeth Kandel still offers content concerning bullying broadly, it also features more specialized content concerning cyberbullying. Instructing parents and teachers on recognizing what she calls “flags” of bullying behaviour, this item not only helps the public to recognize when bullying is taking place, but also how to stop those behaviours from happening. By highlighting the ways that technology has impacted bullying behaviours, this book offers a relevant outlook on bullying that provides insight into peer behaviour.

Homophobic bullying : research and theoretical perspectives /Homophobic Bullying: Research and Theoretical Perspectives by Ian Rivers features content specifically concerning bullying behaviours directed against members of the Queer community. While remaining cognizant of all forms of bullying that occur both on and offline, this item highlights theories and discussions concerning the causes of homophobia within schools. By featuring both quantitative and qualitative data, this book explores the effects of homophobia on students, as well as the institutions that help to uphold such discriminatory behaviour.

No more bystanders = no more bullies : activating action in educational professionals /While most books on bullying assume the bystander to be a peer or classmate, No More Bystanders = No More Bullies: Activating Action in Educational Professionals by Shona Anderson tackles the issue of when bystanders include the teachers or administrators of a school. This book acts as a vital tool in helping teachers and administrators recognize when bullying is taking place in their classroom or on the playground. By offering practical advice on how and when to address bullying, this item will help empower supervisors to create a safe and inclusive school environment for all.

For these and more items concerning bullying, please visit the OISE Lobby Display on the ground floor of the OISE building—the OISE Library staff will be happy to grab any items for you to check out.

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3rd floor Children’s Lit area

Please note that the 3rd floor children’s lit seating area of the library is reserved for an event Monday Oct. 23rd, from noon – 3pm.

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Open Access Week 2017: Spotlight on Open Educational Resources

To help celebrate Open Access Week, the Ryerson University Library & Archives (RULA) and the University of Toronto Libraries welcomes faculty, students and librarians at both institutions to register for a full day of events that will provide a spotlight on Open Educational Resources (OER), including a keynote lecture from internationally-recognized copyright and open access advocate, Dr. Michael Geist.

When and Where?

Tuesday, October 24 from 10:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Tecumseh Auditorium, Ryerson Student Centre, 55 Gould Street. Lunch is provided.

See poster here (PDF).

To register, visithttps://ccs.cf.ryerson.ca/eventplanner/event_summary.cfm?id=4131

See more details of the event, including the day’s agenda, here: http://uoft.me/OA2017

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Featured Activity Kit: Sedimentary Rock Collection

The Sedimentary Rock Collection kit is useful for those who want to make learning about earth sciences fun and hands-on for their students. Recommended for grades 3 and up, the kit contains 12 labelled sedimentary rock specimens including siltstone, sandstone, rock salt, coal, limestone, arkose, conglomerate, fossiliferous limestone, mudstone, shale, travertine, and rock gypsum. The kit also includes a full-colour identification chart, a storage tray and information guide.

The information guide makes using this kit in the classroom fun and easy! It explains what sedimentary rocks are, and provides examples for how they are formed by different types of sediment. The guide then provides a brief explanation of what each of the rock specimens is made from, how each has formed, and what they are used for in the real world. Use this kit to supplement your class notes about sedimentary rocks with the real thing! If your students seem particularly enthusiastic about rocks and rock collecting, the information guide also provides some tips and tricks to help them search for rocks to add to their own collections. Overall, this kit is great for hands-on learners and assists students with making connections between what they learn in the classroom and the physical examples available in the kit.

If you are teaching a unit or lesson on different rock formations, the Sedimentary Rock Collection kit can be used as a companion with both the Igneous Rock Collection and Metamorphic Rock Collection kits, which are also available at the OISE Library.

The Sedimentary Rock Collection kit is currently on display on the Ground Floor of the OISE Library on the coffee table near the “New Arrivals” shelf. For more information on this activity kit, and many others available in the OISE Library’s Curriculum Resources Collection, please visit the OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives Database.

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OISE Lobby Display: Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Racism

On Thursday, November 2nd, the OISE/UT Enhancing Social Justice Education Project will be hosting the event, “Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Racism in the Trump Era: Truth vs. Post-Truth, Fact vs. Alt-Fact, taking place on at 4:00pm in the OISE Peace Lounge on 7th Floor. It also coincides with Holocaust Education Week, observed this year between November 2nd and 9th, 2017. For the month of October, the OISE Library has curated a display to accompany this event. For more information and to register for this session, please visit https://truthfact.eventbrite.ca.

The display case in OISE lobby contains books that help discuss and open conversations about these topics, including facing and counteracting contemporary discrimination. As this is a “teachable moment” for teachers, teacher educators, parents, and family members, the display provides relevant lessons, anthologies, essays, research resources and strategies to help facilitate discussion of these topics.

Teaching Against Islamophobia
edited by Joe L. Kincheloe,
Shirley R. Steinberg, Christopher D. Stonebanks

This book is a collection of essays by artists, writers, performers, and educators committed to opening up the discussion of issues regarding the alienation of Islamic culture, religion, knowledge, and peoples. Islam has become a target for discrimination and bigotry and has often been misconstrued in media. This book specifically addresses issues which apply to those who are Muslim or come from largely Muslim countries, and confronts the fears, challenges, and institutional problems facing today’s teachers.

Discourse and Discrimination: Rhetorics of Racism and Antisemitism by Martin Reisigl and Ruth Wodak

Discourse and Discrimination
focuses on how racism, antisemitism, and ethnicism are reflected in discourse. In this book, Reisigl and Wodak draw on a wide range of sources, including political speeches, newspaper articles, television broadcasts, and the everyday conversation surrounding the topic of discrimination in any context. The book begins with Reisigl and Wodak’s strengths and weaknesses discussion on four established discourse-analysis approaches. It then draws on Reisigl and Wodak’s own model of critical discourse analysis. Reisigl and Wodak believe that in contrast to other books, Discourse and Discrimination offers readers an approach that is theoretically clear, encompassing, thematically broad, and empirically comparatively rich.

Ruptures : Anti-colonial & Anti-racist Feminist Theorizing

edited by Njoki Wane, Jennifer Jagire, Zahra Murad

Ruptures is co-edited by Njoki Wane, Professor in the Department of Social Justice Education at OISE, alongside Jennifer Jagire and Zahra Murad. This anthology was created to clarify ideas and to disrupt the normalcy of stereotypes that have dominated mainstream cultural discourse. It aims to challenge and rupture schools of thought that have marginalized the experiences and voices of non-European women by presenting readers with multiple entry points from various anti-oppression theoretical frameworks, such as anti-colonialism, antiracism, and Black feminist theoretical frameworks.

Zero Tolerance and Other Plays : Disrupting Xenophobia, Racism and Homophobia In School by Tara Goldstein

Zero Tolerance and Other Plays presents three research-based plays on the themes of xenophobia, racism, and homophobia that can be used by teachers, teacher educators, and those who work with youth in a classroom setting. Goldstein created these plays with efforts to incorporate performed ethnography and research-informed theatre. These research-informed play scripts could be read aloud by a group of participants, performed before audiences, and discussed by others.

Not a Nickel to Spare : the Great Depression Diary of
Sally Cohen
by Perry Nodelman

Not a Nickel to Spare tells the story of Sally Cohen, a fictional young woman living during an important event in Canadian history. Written in the form of a diary, Sally details her life experiencing poverty during the Great Depression and having to deal with anti-Jewish remarks as she ventures outside her familiar Jewish community. Readers will go on this transitional journey with Sally as she tries to find the strength to learn to cope with the world around her.

These books will be on display in the OISE Lobby Display until November 2nd. To borrow the items in the display, please ask the staff at Circulation Desk.

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