Unstudy Spot


Need a break from your end of term assignments? Stop by the ground floor of the OISE Library from Dec 8-20th to unwind in the library’s ‘unstudy spot’.  Partake in puzzles, colouring, creating origami masterpieces, and using fun resources from the library’s collection.

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Featured Activity Kit: The Kids’ Book of Chess and Chess Set

Originating in India in the 6th century AD, the game of chess has developed and taken many variants. Through this fun and interactive Kids’ Book of Chess and Chess Set, kids can learn about the history of chess and the game with easy-to-follow instructions. With the winter break fast approaching, this is the ideal game to learn and play with friends and family while staying cozy and warm inside. The kit is complete with the kids’ book of chess, a custom-designed chess board, and a full set of chess pieces that will inspire passion and challenge. Illustrated in a colourful fantasy story of the medieval battlefield with pieces reflecting accordingly to the role they play, players are led through the fundamentals of the game of chess in clear, simple text and accurate diagrams. Players of all ages and skills can enjoy this delightful rendition of the game of chess, discover the history behind the game, and develop winning strategies. Happy playing!

The activity kit is now on display at the coffee table on the ground floor of the OISE Library. Curriculum resources on the game of chess are also available in the OISE Library’s Curriculum Resources Collection. For more information on this and other activity kits, please visit the OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives Database.

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New OISE Book Display: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

December 6th marks the 27th anniversary of the École Polytechnique massacre when 14 women were murdered in an act of targeted, gender-based violence. The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women commemorates these 14 women and also serves as a call to action, asking Canadians to address violence against women across Canada and around the world.

Photograph of the display

The OISE Library collection includes materials which deal directly with the events and legacy of December 6th, 1989. The Montreal massacre, a collection edited by Louise Malette and Marie Chalouh, features feminist responses to the events of December 6th in diverse forms, ranging from poetry and newspaper letters to the editor, to essays and transcripts of speeches. Two documentary films After the Montreal massacre (also available via the National Film Board’s website) and Heidi Rathjen: de la tragédie à la victoire reflect on the École Polytechnique tragedy and incorporate testimony of Montreal Massacre survivors Sylvie Gagnon and Heidi Rathjen respectively.Cover of "I Hate Feminists!" by Melissa Blais A more recent monograph J’haïs les féministes!: le 6 décembre 1989 et ses suites or “I hate feminists!”: December 6, 1989, and its aftermath by Mélissa Blais, which we carry in both French and English, reflects on the long term legacy of the Montreal Massacre and its positioning within feminist and anti-feminist discourse.

Students and researchers seeking to place the issue of violence against women in a broader context could turn to a variety of titles from the OISE Library collection. Violence against women and the law by David L. Richards and Jillienne Haglund takes a global comparative look at laws regarding violence against women in 196 countries considering the impact of both domestic and international policy on the issue. Gender violence: a cultural perspective by Sally Engle Merry examines gender violence from an anthropological perspective offering an introduction to the issue’s social and cultural implications, while also considering the efficacy of programs attempting to combat violence against women.

Teachers and teacher candidates looking to address the Montreal Massacre and the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in the classroom might be interested in the activity and lesson plan resources created by the Status of Women, a federal government organization. Their website features an Educator’s Toolkit which includes discussion topics and additional resources appropriate for a variety of grade levels.Cover of Hey, shorty!  Another helpful resource Hey, shorty!: a guide to combating sexual harassment and violence in public schools and on the streets offers strategies for educating teens about sexual harassment and violence in their communities. 

Events and commemorations are set to occur across the country as part of the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and in honour of the 14 women murdered at École Polytechnique. At the University of Toronto St. George campus the Office of Student Life is holding a community discussion and dedication ceremony at Hart House on December 6th, 2016.

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New Year, New Beginnings

After the winter break, it’s time to ring in the New Year! However, getting back on track from the break can be a challenge for some students and teachers. To help students and educators transition smoothly back into the classroom, here are some suggested titles from the OISE Library Collection to re-orientate and re-engage.

Transition tips and tricks by Jean Feldman
Beginning School by Irene Smalls
Back to Learning by Les Parsons
Starting Strong A Different Look at Children, Schools, and Standards by Patricia F. Garini
Welcome Back to School Book by Jeri A. Carroll, Donna L. Beveridge and Dianne L. McCune
Starting School: From Separation to independence: A Guide for Early Childhood Teachers by Nancy Balaban
Engaging Learners through Artmaking by Katherine M. Douglas and Diane B. Jaquith
Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner by Persida Himmele and William Himmele

A new year also means a new start. As a long held tradition, New Year’s resolutions are commonly made to reflect on the past year and inspire resolutions for the New Year. To kick off the New Year, routines in the classroom that involve participation and productivity can help students motivate themselves. Teachers and educators can also take inspirations from guides and handbooks like Teach now! the essentials of teaching: What you need to know to be a great teacher, Teacherpreneurs, Classrooms that Spark!, Invent to Learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom, and 3-minute motivators. Let these titles and more from the OISE Library Collection supplement curriculum development, and recharge and revive your classroom dynamics!

Interested in borrowing any of the titles mentioned? Please visit the Circulation Desk on the ground floor of the OISE Library to request for items in the lobby display.

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OISE Lobby Display: Winter and Holidays

December is a busy and exciting month here at the university! Exams are approaching and it is getting colder outside, what better place to go then the OISE Library to warm up and learn? One of this month’s themes for the display cases in the OISE lobby area is “Winter and Holidays.”

This selection of books showcases resources for teaching units about winter and the many different holidays that take place in December this year. It is meant to inspire and support OISE students in their teaching and curriculum activities. Items from our Juvenile Fiction collection are prominent in this display; these include books for all levels of reader, with a focus on informational texts and visually striking illustrations. Through these charming and engrossing stories, students can learn about the natural processes that make up winter as well as poetry and storytelling techniques. Many curriculum resources are also featured in this display, and provide information for teaching children about holidays in a sensitive and well-rounded way. Classroom activities that combine learning and fun are ideal for the busy month of December.

In being conscious of all of the holidays that take place this month, students can help to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere in their classroom while providing engaging and interesting information. A variety of different celebrations throughout December are represented, with both juvenile fiction and curriculum resources for each. How can you best incorporate a variety of viewpoints into the classroom? There are many ways, but having a variety of books on hand to engage students is one of them.

Keeping children interested during December can sometimes be difficult with the promise of a long break ahead. From activity books to older curriculum materials, this collection is curated to provide engaging materials for both children and their teachers to keep them learning all month long. Books, kits, puppets and DVD’s are all featured in this display. The themes of winter and holidays offer a myriad of different sub-themes to be explored, including nature, science, families, cultural customs and communities. Students interested in these sub-themes will find ample material to get started!

Remember, if you should see something that you are interested in borrowing, please don’t be shy! Ask one of our staff members at the circulation desk to borrow the materials. This display will be in the OISE lobby for the month of December.

Happy reading!

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