Author: brettcla


I wanted to congratulate our most recent graduates. Doug on obtaining his M.Ed. degree–he convocated in June (and I want to apologize for my time lag in responding :), and to Bruce who successfully completed his Dissertation defence today–Dr Forrester…

ECOO 2006

Had a good day at ECOO on Friday. The presentation I gave called Why Reading is even more important in the Digital Age can be found here Download ppt file I also met some people interested in developing a…

What is the dissertation for?

Simply put, the dissertation is a doctoral candidates’ most elaborate excursion into all the aspects of the research process. Each step is really important and refines and develops a range of research related skills: the development and refinement of a…

What is a PhD anyway?

It has been occurring to me that one of the myriad pieces of tacit knowledge graduate students are supposed to pick up while they wend their way through graduate school is exactly what it means to have a PhD. How…

Timing in take-up of new technologies

I was thinking about how I could better integrate weblogs effectively in future courses for graduate students. The trouble with introducing new technologies during a course is that the situation is somewhat artifical and the time is brief, neither of…