2016 Conferences


3 – 6 ACEID 2016 – The Second Asian Conference on Education and International Development. Held in Kobe, Japan. IAFOR, and its global partners, invite you to join us in the exciting seaside city of Kobe, Japan for ACEID2016. Come and discuss research centered around this year’s theme, “Education and Social Justice: Learning For Global Diversity”. 


6 – 10 CIES 2016.  The 2016 CIES 60th Annual Conference will be held March 6-10, 2016 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel.  The theme for the 2016 Annual Conference is: “Six Decades of Comparative and International Education: Taking Stock and Looking Forward.”


21 – 24 Intercultural Competence: Traditions and Transitions, 5th International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence. Held at Tucson, AZ, USA. Bringing together scholars & educators to discuss theoretical models, best practices & approaches to foster intercultural competence in learners. Keynote Fred Dervin. 

2015 Conferences


8 – 11    Illinois Resource Center (IRC) Bilingual Statewide Conference. 39th Annual Statewide Conference
for Teachers Serving Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students


19 – 21 AKU-IED 10th International ConferenceThe AKU Institute for Educational Development, Pakistan will be holding its 10th International Conference from Nov 19-21, 2015 in Karachi. The theme is “A Renewed Focus on Teacher, Teaching Quality and Learning: Localised Models and Practices”. 

3   AISNE (Association of Independent Schools in New England) Annual Diversity Conference, Chelmsford, MA.


Pre-Conference Institutes: October 29, 2015, San Diego, Calif.

29 – Nov 1   22nd Institute on Teaching and Mentoring: Faculty Diversity. This institute is by invitation only. But the video describing what they do is powerful and well worth the few minutes it takes to view.

21 – 23 NERA (Northeast Education Research Association) 46th Annual Conference: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Collaborating Minds. (Contains several workshops and sessions on Diversity in Teaching).

16-17 PCTELA (Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts) 2015 annual conference: Embracing Diversity. Location: Harrisburg, PA.

15-17 Further Together: The 2015 Teach for All Global Conference to be held in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), Aotearoa New Zealand. http://teachforall.org/en/news/further-together-2015-teach-all-global-conference

1-4  National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) Silver Anniversary Conference: Past Achievements, Present Successes, Future Aspirations: 25 Years of NAME. Location: New Orleans.


9-11  3rd Instructional Technologies and Teacher Education Symposium. Held in Trabzon, Turkey. Due to changing profiles of today’s learners, teachers are required to posses new roles and capabilities in digital age.The main theme of the symposium is about “Teaching in Digital Age”.

24-25 National Coalition on School Diversity 2015 Conference: 21st Century School Integration: Building the Movement for Diversity, Equity, and InclusionLocation: Washington D.C.


1 – 5 ECLL 2015 – The European Conference on Language Learning. Join IAFOR in the seaside city of Brighton, UK, from July 1-5, for ECLL 2015. Explore the conference theme of “Integrated Practices: Creating Experiences to Enhance Learning” in an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary setting.


25    Teacher’s College, Columbia University. 6th Annual Diversity in Research and Practice 2015 Conference – Bridging the Gap: Uniting Agents of Change.

10  University of Iowa. Beyond Tolerance Diversity Conference 2015.


26-28 Association of American Colleges and Universities,  Diversity, Learning and Student Success: Assessing and advancing inclusive excellence.  San Diego, CA.

12-15 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference on Science Education.  Teaching Every Child by Embracing Diversity: Featured Strand at NSTA’s National Conference on Science Education in Chicago, IL.

8 – 15 CIES Annual Conference: Imagining a Humanist Education Globally – Ubuntu! 

6   James Madison University. 9th Annual Diversity Conference – Engaging Community: Creating Change


26-27 Washington State University, College of Education. 11th Annual Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference: Co-Constructing Identities in Local and Global Spaces.


15 UCSD, San Diego.  Teaching Diversity Conference. Strategies for Creating Inclusive Classrooms and Communities.  Sponsored by the UC San Diego Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion & John Muir College.  See also the conference proceedings.

2014 Conferences


19 – 21    WERA Focal Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland


29 – November 2, 2014  Joint AESA/IAIE Conference in Toronto Reconceptualizing Diversity: Engaging with Histories, Theories, Practices, and Discursive Strategies in Global Contexts

May 2014

28 – 30     Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners Conference

21           American Conference on Diversity Educators’ Institute: Closing the Gap Between Teachers & Students

9            Learning Together 2014 “in-difference: conflict and diversity”

1 – 2      Celebrating Linguistic Diversity – Honoring the Contributions of Dr. Jim Cummins

April 2014

30 –  May 2     Celebrating Linguistic Diversity – Honoring the Contributions of Dr. Jim Cummins

29         World Education Research Association (WERA) meeting at OISE

15 – 17    ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe) Social Justice and Diversity in Teacher Education

11          First Annual Conference on Equality and Diversity in Teaching and Learning in Scottish Higher Education

10 – 11     ALTE Paris 2014: Language Assessment for Multilingualism: promoting linguistic diversity and intercultural communication

March 2014

10 – 15     CIES Annual Conference, Toronto – Revisioning Education for All


December 2013

12 – 13     The 5th International Conference on Language and Communication: Innovative Inquiries and Emerging Paradigms in Language, Media and Communication

November 2013

6 – 8           4th Annual International Conference on Language and Education
6 – 10        Name’s 23rd Annual Intn’l Conf
12 – 14      International Conference on Teacher Education in the Muslim World

October 2013

16                 NECME Conf 2013
30 – Nov 1  The 11th TELLSI International Conference on Professional Development in Language Teacher Education (PDLTE)

September 2013

9 – 13    Metropolis International 2013

August 2013

6 – 22     Intercultural Communication 2013
15 – 17     iam2013 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Multilingualism
22 – 23   Symposium Towards a Learning Society: Supporting teaching and learning quality in Vietnam
29 – 30   Intercultural vs Multicultural Ed

May 2013

1 – 2        Prepárate: Educating Latinos for the Future of America
2 – 3        A Dream Deferred:The Future of African America Education
9 – 11      Korean AME Conference 2013
15 – 17    Immigration and Settlement
20 – 22   DTDL NordForsk
22             2013 Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners
30 – 31    NASAI Conference 2013

April 2013

13                 Missouri NAME Conference 2013
19 – 20     Texas NAME Conference 2013
19 – 20       Diversity and Graduate Education 2013

February 2013

15 – 19     ATE 2013 Meeting
2o – 22     Gobalization, Diversity and Education 2013
2o – 22     TESOL 2013 Conference

March 2013

14 – 16   Metropolis National 2013

October 2012

18 – 20        Modeling Equity, Engaging Difference

November 2012

12 – 13         Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners
28 – Dec 1   NAME Conference 2012




World Education Research Association (WERA)

The World Education Research Association (WERA) is an association of national, regional, and international specialty research associations aimed at advancing education research as a scientific and scholarly field. Established on April 18, 2009 in San Diego, California, WERA aims to undertake initiatives that are global in nature and thus transcend what any one association can accomplish in its own country, region, or area of specialization. Member associations are resolved to work together to address such issues as building capacity and interest in education research, advancing education research policies and practices, and promoting the use and application of education research around the world.
Intersectionality, Methodologies and Knowledge Mobilization in Research for Social Justice
New WERA International Research Network
The International Research Network on Intersectionality, Methodologies, and Knowledge Mobilization in Research for Social Justice in Education will have its inaugural meeting at the Celebrating Linguistic Diversity conference to be held at Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, Toronto.  We invite all interested researchers and graduate students who would be interested in joining the network to meet with us on Tuesday April 29 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the network and opportunities for participation. The meeting will occur in room 11-164, OISE, University of Toronto, 52 Bloor Street West, Toronto.

4th DTDL NordForsk Meeting and Conference

May 20 – 22, 2013
Hamar Campus of Hedmark University College, Norway

The 4Th DTDL (Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners) NordForsk meeting and conference to be help at the Hamar campus of Hedmark University College, Norway, aims to review previous activities and research findings, discuss literature readings and film production, plan the final publication of the DTDL network, as well as plan for upcoming conferences in August, 2013 in Helsinki and in February, 2014 in Glasgow. For the full agenda. Visit our website again to access the final publication once it become available.

Announcing NAME’s 23rd Annual International Conference

Conference Theme: Erasing the Shadows, Embracing the Light:

Re/visioning Multicultural Education

Nov. 6-10, 2013
Oakland City Center Marriott,
Oakland CA

Call for proposals Deadline: May 8.

In the light – no closets, no basements, no margins, no shadows – a vocal and activist-oriented majority, is demanding attention and justice.  Our communities challenge those in power, calling on all to reconsider who belongs, whose voices count, how to engage in teaching and learning, and how to embrace a multicultural democratic society: Who are we? How did we get here? Where are we going? What constitutes “the public?”  Today individuals and communities critique those systems of power that dismiss their rights and offer a vision and a powerful hope for the future. A better world, better schools, and better classrooms are possible.

Multicultural social justice-oriented educators and community activists foster diversity in education — incurriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and stewardship of schools and communities. We especially encourage the submission of proposals that explore creative and culturally responsive practices for multicultural education. Teachers and students are reframing the purposes of education to better serve the needs of students, families, caregivers, community activists, and advocates.

CLICK for complete  CALL FOR PROPOSALS information

Intercultural Communication and Education:

Moving On

ORGANISER: The University of Helsinki , Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences

DATES: August 6 to 22, 2013

PRICES: 490 EUR  http://helsinkisummerschool.fi/home/prices


COORDINATOR: Prof. Fred Dervin, fred.dervin(at)helsinki.fi, Prof. Karen Risager (University of Roskilde, Denmark)


Are you confused about the many words that are used in research and practice to talk about encounters between people from different countries: intercultural, multicultural but also cross-cultural and even global? Are these concepts and notions different or similar? How can we research the phenomena they attempt to describe? Do you find it difficult to relate current criticisms of these terms, research methods and how research results are presented?

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In this course we will talk about intercultural communication and education from a new perspective. The course is a follow-up to a very successful summer school in Denmark in 2011, co-organised with the international research group CULTNET. We propose to take Intercultural and Identity: Research Methodseven further, moving on to the entire research process from concepts to methods and analysis.

Learn not to be confused about the ‘intercultural’!
The Helsinki Summer School course offers up-to-date lectures, discussion of research papers as well as research talks on the latest developments and advances in the fields of intercultural communication and education. Practical sessions will help the participants to improve their own work. The course is aimed at Master’s and PhD students who specialise in any aspect related to intercultural communication and education.

The following topics will be covered during the course: the ‘old’ and contested concept of culture; from identity to identification; renewing concepts; the ‘inter’ of intercultural; language and the ‘intercultural’; complexifying the analysis of intercultural phenomena; and ethical responsibilities of researchers and practitioners.

Why attend this course?
• To get up-to-date and critical knowledge about how to do research on intercultural communication and education
• To test new ways of working on intercultural communication and education
• To learn how to challenge ‘old’ and unsatisfactory ways of conceptualising and working on the ‘intercultural’
• To meet and discuss your own work with renowned researchers
• To reflect on one’s responsibility as researcher and practitioner.

The course organisers are noted scholars in the field. Fred Dervin is Professor of Multicultural Education, University of Helsinki, and holds several positions in universities across the world. His research interests include intercultural competences in academic mobility and education, and multicultural education. He has published more than 20 books on these issues. Karen Risager is Emerita Professor of Cultural Encounters at Roskilde University. She has published widely on language, culture and identity as theorised in a transnational and global perspective. Dervin and Risager co-organised the first summer school on research methods for the ‘intercultural’ at Roskilde University in 2011.

Please direct any questions about the content of this course to the course coordinator. Any questions on the general arrangements (accommodation, scholarship, etc.) should be addressed to the Summer School office at summer-school(at) helsinki.fi

please note that we are also organizing an international conference on Intercultural vs. Multicultural Education: the End of Rivalries? (29-30.8.2013)


Second and Final Call for Papers

Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners

22nd May 2013

Hedmark University College, Norway

Proposal deadline: March 1, 2013

To this international conference Hedmark University College and the Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners network* invite scholars to share research and critically debate how teacher education should take into account increasing cultural, linguistic and religious diversity among teachers and students. Following an opening plenary speech on Post-Intercultural Education, the conference is organized around three parallel symposia focusing on racism, bilingual teachers and pedagogical differentiation, respectively. In addition, abstracts of papers on these or related topics, to be read in parallel paper sessions, are also welcome. People who want to participate without presenting a paper are invited to register for the conference as well.

Keynote Speaker
Professor Fred Dervin, University of Helsinki: Towards Post-intercultural Education? Putting an end to certain ‘hoaxes’

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Fred Dervin is Professor of Multicultural Education at the University of Helsinki (Finland). He specializes in language and intercultural education, the sociology of multiculturalism and linguistics for intercultural communication and education. Dervin has published extensively on identity, the ‘intercultural’ and mobility/migration. He has published over 20 books: Politics of Interculturality (co-edited with Anne Lavanchy and Anahy Gajardo, Newcastle: CSP, 2011), Impostures Interculturelles (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012), Linguistics for Intercultural Education (co-edited with Tony Liddicoat, New York: Benjamins, 2013) and Identity and Interculturality: Research Methods (with Karen Risager, Routledge, 2013). He is the series editor of Education beyond borders (Peter Lang) and Post-intercultural communication and education (CSP). His website is: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/dervin/

Conference symposia

Symposium 1: Racism(s) and “race” in education
This symposium attempts to put racism(s) and “race” back into the dialogue on educational inclusion and social justice. It addresses the silencing of “race” in the dominant work on inclusive and anti-discriminatory education, where the focus has largely been on culture and ethnicity rather than e.g. legacies of scientific racism and colonialism.
Professor Geri Smyth, University of Strathclyde, UK
Associate Professor Camilla Eline Andersen, Hedmark University College, Norway

Symposium 2: Teachers from linguistic minority backgrounds
The focus of the symposium is on some of the challenges teachers from linguistic minority backgrounds face in the mainstream. The theme will be approached from a policy analysis and an in-service perspective.
Associate Professor Clea A. Schmidt, Ph.D., University of Manitoba, Canada
PhD candidate Joke Dewilde, Hedmark University College, Norway

Symposium 3: Differentiated instruction within mainstream
Today, there is an increasing tendency to prioritize inclusion into the mainstream at the expense of bilingual instruction. Through the presentation and conceptual analysis of empirical examples from classrooms, this symposium will discuss how this challenge can be met by schools and researchers.
Maria Johanson, Globala Gymnasiet, Stockholm, Sweden
Professor Sidsel Karlsen, Hedmark University College, Norway
Professor Sidsel Lied and Professor Thor Ola Engen, Hedmark University College, Norway

Abstract Submission
Abstracts of no more than 300 words for papers to be presented in parallel sessions should be sent by e-mail to marte.monsen@hihm.no by 1st March 2013. Please state the title of the proposed paper, the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation and full contact details. You will be informed by 15th March 2013 whether your paper has been selected for the conference.

Practical information
Deadline for registering to the conference is 22nd April 2013. For information regarding conference program, accommodation etc., please visit the conference website: http://www.hihm.no/Prosjektsider/Utdanning-og-diversitet/DTDL-Conference
General enquiries should be addressed to marte.monsen@hihm.no.

9th Annual International Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference

Visualizing global problems and possibilities:

Imagining pedagogies of transformation

February 20-22, 2013
Heathman LodgeVancouver, Washington

Call for proposals
Proposal deadline: December 3, 2012

We are pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 9th Annual International Globalization, Diversity and Education Conference to be held at the Heathman Lodge, Vancouver Washington. This is an interdisciplinary conference focusing on the issues of education, diversity and social justice in a global society.

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We have had participations from fields as diverse as Nursing, Political Science, Communication, Women’s Studies, University Extension and many others. We conceive of education and pedagogy broadly to include media, community action, political activism, aesthetics and myriad forms of alternative educations. The conference provides a forum for presenting ideas and engaging in conversation on the interrelationships among cultural pedagogies, ecopedagogies, contemporary identity shaping, global consciousness, indigeneity, cosmopolitanism, media literacy, social theory, social justice and activism. We welcome participation of researchers, educators, students, teachers, activists and community members. Proposals may address the theme of the conference from a range of intellectual, practical and activist perspectives. Individual papers, panels and alternative sessions that may include film/documentary screenings, workshops, exhibitions, poster sessions, and other creative endeavors are invited.
We strongly encourage submissions in alternative and aesthetic formats. The goal of the conference organizers is to have sessions that encourage conversation among the participants and the audience.

Find more information here: http://education.wsu.edu/globalization

ATE’s 2013 Annual Meeting in Atlanta

Living and Learning across a Lifetime

Hyatt Regency Atlanta

February 15-19, 2013
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia

The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. The theme selected by President Ann Shelly is Living and Learning across a Lifetime.

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For planning purposes, registration fee for the 2013 Annual Meeting will be $255 for members (early bird) and $330 for non-members (early bird).

Register early and save! Early bird rates end January 15, 2013.

Click here to go to the online secure registration site. Click here to download a pdf of the registration form which you can fax or mail with payment information.

Sunday Clinics

A number of clinics will be available on Saturday, February 16, at no additional charge to Annual Meeting registrants. More information will be available soon.


Pre-Conference Workshops will be offered in Atlanta on Friday, February 15, and Saturday, February 16. Click here for complete descriptions.Workshops are numbered according to the registration form .

For more information: http://www.ate1.org/pubs/2013_Annual_Meetin_1.cfm

TESOL Conference

Feb 20-22, 2013
Westin Nova Scotian, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Languages Canada’s 6th annual conference will be held at the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kicking off the conference will be a welcome reception on Wednesday, February 20th, followed by plenary and break-out sessions all day February 21 and 22 and finishing with the Annual General Meeting (members only) on Saturday, February 23, 2013.

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Languages Canada will recognize the association’s accomplishments during these early years and will continue to enhance and develop long term plans to promote and advocate Canada’s language education sector nationally and internationally. There will be both plenary sessions and professional development workshops involving international presenters in 3 streams: Marketing, Student Experience, and Leadership . Please check the conference website page for more details as they are confirmed.

Languages Canada is Canada’s premier language organization representing its two official languages: English and French. Membership is limited to schools which meet the rigorous standards of the association and who are committed to upholding them. Languages Canada is recognized by the Canadian government and internationally.

15th National Metropolis Conference

Building an Integrated Society

March 14-16, 2013
Ottawa Convention Center

CERIS – The Ontario Metropolis Centre is pleased to announce that the Annual Metropolis Conference will once again take place in 2013. Building upon the success of past conferences, including the last one hosted by CERIS this year, the 15th National Metropolis Conference will take place in Ottawa from March 14-16, 2013.

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The theme of this conference is Building an Integrated Society and remains the principal national forum for interdisciplinary dialogue on immigration among researchers, government, and non-government sector partners.  Proposals for workshops, roundtables, and posters are now being accepted until December 20, 2012. See proposal instructions here.

CERIS is proud to continue to support the 2013 National Metropolis Conference. More information can be found on the 15th National Metropolis Conference website.

NAME Region 7 Conference

Closing the Learning Gap:

Language, Culture & Multicultural Teaching

April 13, 2013

University of Kansas City-Missouri

Conference Theme: Closing the Learning Gap: Language, Culture & Multicultural Teaching

Keynote Speaker: Sonia Nieto
Professor Emerita of Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Rethinking the Gap: An Agenda to Equalize Education

Visit MO-NAME’s website to register: http://www.moname.org/name-region-7.html

NAME Region 6 Conference

A Global Odyssey: Exploring Multicultural
in our Changing World
April 19 – 20, 2013
Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
L.B.J. Student Center

Complete information at: www.txname.org 

Tenth Annual Yale Bouchet Conference on Diversity and Graduate Education

Then and Now: Historicizing the Contemporary State of

Diversity in Higher Education

Yale Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
April 19-20, 2013

The “Annual Yale Bouchet Conference on Diversity and Graduate Education” finds its origins in our treasured collaboration with Howard University. It has become a dynamic and increasingly recognized academic conference, drawing New Haven community residents, scholars, administrators, and graduate and undergraduate students from across the nation.

Yale, the first institution in the country to award graduate degrees, is Dr. Edward A. Bouchet’s alma mater. Dr. Bouchet is the first self identified African American ever to receive the PhD in any discipline and the 6th person in the Western Hemisphere to be awarded the PhD in physics.

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Whether you are engaged in research, teaching, or any of the many facets of administration, this conference is for you! We invite you to participate in vigorous discussions on diversity in graduate education and ongoing research across disciplines in universities located in all parts of the Nation. You won’t want to miss this extraordinary opportunity to network with graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, and administrators from across the country on April 19-20, 2013 at the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences campus.

Save the date and bring along a colleague. This distinguished event is sure to be informative, enlightening, thought-provoking, and fun.

For further information, please e-mail Michelle Nearon or view the topics in the Resources box at right above.

Sponsored by the Yale Graduate School’s Office for Diversity & Equal Opportunity
More information can be found on the 15th Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences website.

PrepárateTM :

Educating Latinos for the Future of America

May 1-2, 2013

Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois

Be a Part of the Solution!

The future is today! The need to help prepare all students for access and success in education is now! Prepárate: Educating Latinos for the Future of America brings together professionals from middle schools, secondary schools, higher education, and community-based organizations to discuss solutions, share best-practices, and address crucial topics in education.

Who should attend?

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  • School counselors
  • Teachers
  • College admission and outreach officers
  • Financial aid administrators
  • Community organization leaders
  • Researchers
  • Legislators and policymakers
  • Industry leaders supporting education
  • Parents and parent engagement coordinators
  • K-12 and higher education administrators


Registration for the 2013 conference is open.

Call for Proposal – Deadline Passed

Sponsoring Prepárate

If your organization would like to sponsor or exhibit at Prepárate 2013, please review our prospectus or email preparate@collegeboard.org for additional information.

Also Join Us for…

A Dream Deferred™: The Future of African American Education is being held in conjunction with and following the 2013 Prepárate conference. Some events during the three days will be held jointly to encourage networking and collegial support and sharing of best practices serving underrepresented and minority students in educational success. Others events will pertain and be open to attendees registered for a single conference (Prepárate) or dual registration for both conferences. Please visit the 2013 A Dream Deferred website for more information.

A Dream Deferred™: The Future of African American Education

May 2-3, 2013

Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois

Be a part of the solution!

The future is today! The need to help prepare all students for access and success in education is now! A Dream Deferred: The Future of African American Education brings together professionals from middle schools, secondary schools, higher education, and community-based organizations to discuss solutions, share best-practices, and address crucial topics in education.

Who should attend?

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  • School counselors
  • Teachers
  • College admission and outreach officers
  • Financial aid administrators
  • Community organization leaders
  • Researchers
  • Legislators and policymakers
  • Industry leaders supporting education
  • Parent engagement coordinators
  • K-12 and higher education administrators


Registration for the 2013 conference is open.

Call for Proposals – Deadline Passed

Sponsoring A Dream Deferred

If your organization would like to sponsor or exhibit at A Dream Deferred 2013, please review our prospectus or email dreamdeferred@collegeboard.org for additional information.

Korean Association for Multicultural Education 2013 International Conference

Reconstructing Education, Culture and Identity in a Global Age

hosted by the Korean Association for Multicultural Education (KAME)

 May 9th-11th, 2013 

Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea

Theme: Reconstructing Education, Culture and Identity in a Global Age

The conference will provide a platform for researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the field of multicultural education from home and abroad to share ideas and research findings, and build up a worldwide network of scholarly discussions and friendship.

The 2013 international conference of the Korean Association for Multicultural Education (KAME) will be held on May 9th-11th, 2013 at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. Under the theme of Reconstructing Education, Culture, and Identity in a Global Age, the conference will provide a platform for educational researchers, policy makers, and practitioners from around the world to share ideas and research findings, and to build up a worldwide network of scholarly discussions and friendship.

KAME has established international collaborative partnerships with the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) in the United States and the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE) in Europe, as encapsulated in Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) signed with these organizations. The headquarters of KAME are currently located in Seoul, Korea.The 2013 KAME international conference will be the first conference to be held by KAME after it has completed signing MOUs with both NAME and IAIE.

Keynote speakers of the 2013 KAME international conference include:

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James A. Banks (University of Washington, USA)

Gerald W. Fry (University of Minnesota, USA)

Paul C. Gorski (George Mason University, USA)

Jagdish Gundara (University of London, UK; President of IAIE)

Kevin Kumashiro (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; President of NAME)

Fabio L. Rocca (Universite 3 de Montpellier, France)

For further information, please visit the official website of KAME (http://kame.or.kr) or send an email to the managing assistant (kame2008@naver.com).

The conference will provide a platform for researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the field of multicultural education from home and abroad to share ideas and research findings, and build up a worldwide network of scholarly discussions and friendship.

KAME invites submissions of manuscripts (or extended abstracts which are detailed enough for the organizers to judge the merits of the paper). Any presentation pertaining to the conference theme or related topics dealing with research agendas and policy issues in the field of multicultural education are welcome. Please submit the manuscript or extended abstract electronically with a short curricular vitae to kame2008@naver.com (orsakim22@hanyang.ac.kr or yunkyung@hanyang.ac.kr ) by November 20, 2012. KAME will inform the authors of whether the submitted paper is accepted by December 20, 2012.

Please send any inquiry to the following addresses:

Professor Yun-Kyung Cha, President

Korean Association for Multicultural Education (yunkyung@hanyang.ac.kr). or

Professor Sunah Kim, sakim22@hanyang.ac.kr.

Immigration and Settlement: Precarious Issues?

May 15-17 2013 at
Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Call for papers, presentations and posters extended until December 14, 2012

The 2013 RCIS conference “Immigration and Settlement: Precarious Futures?” is dedicated to advancing innovative and interdisciplinary research from diverse critical and institutional perspectives in the areas of international migration, immigration, settlement, and diaspora and refugee studies. It aims to integrate theory with practice on aspects of international migration based on values of inclusion and respect for cultural diversity.

The conference will connect international and national research networks with Ontario and especially Toronto, one of the world’s most diverse communities. Furthermore, it will bring together immigration and settlement scholars, graduate students, national, provincial and municipal policy makers, non-government agencies and community representatives.

 Keynote Speaker

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Bridget Anderson, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), Oxford University

 Conference Themes

Within the overarching topic of “Immigration and Settlement: Precarious Futures?”, the conference will address and theorize several subthemes, including (but not limited to):

  • Arts and Culture
  • Citizenship
  • Critical Migration and Border Studies
  • Families, Children and Youth
  • Health
  • Moral Panic, Securitization and Crimilization
  • State, Governance, Politics and Policy
  • Precarious and Temporary Migration
  • Racialization, Gender, Sexuality, Religion
  • Settlement Services
  • Transnationalisms
  • Urban Patterns and Housing
  • Work and Labour


Fees (in Cdn $):

Early Bird(before or on Feb 28, 2013) Regular(before or on May 12, 2013) On-site
Student $50 $80 $150
NGO $80 $110 $200
All others $150 $250 $350


Abstract submission: Dec. 14, 2012
Abstract acceptance: Feb. 15, 2013
Early-bird registration: Feb. 28, 2013
Refund policy: 50% until April 30, 2013. Thereafter, unfortunately, no refunds are possible.

Paper Abstract Submission:

A paper presentation is 20 minutes long or less and describes a research project and its findings, or a well-documented theoretical/practical perspective.To register a paper presentation, please send us an abstract with your name, institutional affiliation, presentation title, 150-word description, and up to five (5) keywords. Also, please identify the conference theme(s) (see above) and send this material: RCIS@ryerson.ca; Deadline extended until Dec. 14, 2012.

Special Panel Proposals:

Special panels are 90 minutes long and typically consist of 3-4 presentations (or 3 papers and a discussant). If you wish to propose and organize a panel, please collect all information (i.e. panel title, names of presenters, presentation titles, presentation abstracts of up to 150 words each, and keywords) and send it as a package to: RCIS@ryerson.ca; Deadline extended until Dec. 14, 2012.

Roundtable Proposals:

Roundtables are 90 minutes long and are less structured than paper panels. A roundtable can contain 3-6 discussants exchanging ideas and/or demonstrating methods of practical relevance. If you wish to propose and organize a roundtable, please collect all information (i.e. roundtable title, names of presenters, a 150 word abstract describing the theme of the roundtable, and keywords) and send it as a package to: RCIS@ryerson.ca; Deadline extended until Dec. 14, 2012.


A poster is an exhibit of research or techniques, activities or methods presented on a display board that includes a title, the name of the presenter, and a brief display of graphics, text, photos, illustrations, summaries, charts, realia, etc.  Presenters must be available for discussion during the time designated for one-on-one discussion. No AV equipment or electrical access is available. Abstracts of 150 words or less should include the main premise of the poster, a summary of supporting evidence and the conclusion. Please also identify potential conference theme(s) and send the poster abstract as an email to: RCIS@ryerson.ca; Deadline extended until Dec. 14, 2012.


The Native American Student Advocacy Institute

May 30-31, 2013
The University of Montana and Salish Kootenai College, Montana

The integration of education, culture and community is the key to making a difference in the lives of our Native American students. The Native American Student Advocacy Institute (NASAI) brings together K–12 and higher education professionals as well as other academic and community leaders for the College Board’s annual conference addressing the educational experience of Native American students. Please lend your voice, experience and ideas to these important conversations by joining us in Montana.

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Who should attend?

  • School counselors
  • Teachers
  • College admission and outreach officers
  • Financial aid administrators
  • Community organization leaders
  • Industry leaders supporting education
  • Tribal education leaders
  • Researchers
  • Legislators and policymakers
  • Parent engagement coordinators
  • K-12 and higher education administrators


Registration for the 2013 conference will open in Fall 2012.

Call for Proposals – Deadline Extension

In order to create the best possible conference, we have extended the proposal deadline. All proposal submissions are due by December 14, 2012. Submit your session proposals today! We encourage you to share your knowledge by submitting a session proposal for NASAI 2013.

Sponsoring NASAI

If your organization would like to sponsor or exhibit at NASAI 2013, please review our prospectus or email nasai@collegeboard.org for additional information.

Intercultural vs. Multicultural Education:

The End of Rivalries?

Department of Teacher Education,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (Europe):
August 29-30, 2013

Please note that the Helsinki conference is preceded by a Summer School course (6-22.8.2013) entitled


(click on links for the conferences in Canada and Malaysia)

Western University, London, Ontario (Canada): 8.-9.11.2013

Taylor’s University, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): 1-2.10.2013

Metropolis International Conference, Finland

Watch for this 2013 conference to be held in Tampere, Finland, September 9-13, 2013. Check here: http://www.international.metropolis.net/ for updates as they become available.

18th Annual New England Conference on

Multicultural Education (NECME)

October 16, 2013
8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, CT

This is a FREE & Very Popular Event!
Watch for details at www.necme.org

2012 Conferences

Modeling Equity, Engaging Difference:

New Frameworks for Diversity and Learning

An online conference evaluation form is available at www.aacu.org/meetings/diversityandlearning/DL2012/evaluation.cfm. Your feedback is important to us and we hope that you will take a few minutes to tell us about your conference experience and recommendations for future Network events.

October 18-20, 2012
Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, MD

Whether one enjoys the fruits of our democracy or suffers its pains has everything to do with one’s social location.
Ramón Gutiérrez, Foreword to Second Edition, The Drama of Diversity and Democracy: Higher Education and American Commitments (AAC&U 2011)

What we can see depends heavily on what our culture has trained us to look for.
Nell Irvin Painter, The History of White People (W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2010)

Conference Overview

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For the past twenty years, AAC&U has gathered together national leaders of the diversity movement to articulate a shared vision of the complex connections between societal diversity, liberal education, and democratic aspirations.  It is now understood that without a fully inclusive vision of democratic justice and voice—and the creation of significant new knowledge that accompanies that recognition—there is no genuine academic excellence; without high expectations for excellence for all, there is no genuine inclusiveness. But unfortunately, “being aware that we are still divided along racial/ethnic, and cultural lines . . . is not the same thing as embracing the task of truly confronting our racial legacies and working to remedy continuing inequities and injustices” (Gutiérrez, Foreword, The Drama of Diversity and Democracy, xiv).

For more information visit: http://www.aacu.org/meetings/diversityandlearning/DL2012/index.cfm

Economic and Social Research Council Seminar Series:

Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners

Research and Perspectives

November 12 & 13, 2012
Oxford, England

In each of the jurisdictions of the UK and in the other countries participating in this seminar series (including Canada, Iceland, Norway and Australia) there is increasing ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity amongst the populations due to a range of political and economic factors.  This diversity is reflected in learner populations in schools.  Yet in the countries under consideration the teaching profession is predominantly white, female and (with the exceptions of Gaelic medium education in Scotland, Welsh medium education in Wales and French immersion in Canada) Anglophone.  Ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity is not reflected in the teaching profession and where teachers diversifying from this ‘norm’ are employed they have often experienced discrimination in the workforce and there are high rates of attrition.

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As the diversity of the student population of schools increases it is essential that the linguistic and cultural needs of all pupils are met.  Many teachers from backgrounds other than the dominant one, bring the potential of linguistic and cultural capital to enhance the teaching profession and the learning of students.  This seminar series has involved employers in addition to academics, teachers and learners and aimed to encourage those with responsibility throughout the UK jurisdictions to view diverse teachers as a resource rather than a deficit and to be able to capitalize on the particular skill sets brought to the profession by diverse teachers.

The series has sought to explore the nature of the existing diversity in the teaching profession and to consider diversity in the life cycle of teachers as professionals from the decision to become a teacher through to leaving the profession, including the continuing professional development and career progression of such teachers.

This final seminar will bring together participants from Seminars 1,2 and 4 along with the evidence from Seminars 3 (teachers) and 5 (school students) and will investigate via a SWOT analysis how to move forward and disrupt the inertia which results in teacher homogeneity.   This seminar will identify the major research questions that now need investigation in order to ensure the programme leads to theoretical and research developments.

Geri Smyth was interviewed  by the  General Teachers Council of Scotland regarding the ESRC Diverse Teachers/Diverse Learners Seminar Series.   The interview is now available as a podcast on the Teaching Scotland website.  Here is the link:


National Association for Multicultural Education

22nd Annual Conference

Nov 28-Dec 1, 2012
Philadelphia, PA

Conference Theme: Realizing the Power of Movements through Multicultural Education

2011 was a year when mass public mobilizations rattled the foundations of societies, from the revolutions in the Middle East, to the sit-ins in cities across the United States, to the teacher strikes around the world.  Some led to victories, others to short-term defeat, but all constituted larger movements toward greater equity and social justice. Movements have the power to change our lives, from how we govern and interact, to what we value and believe about who we are and the world that is yet to be.  Movements can push leaders to do the right thing, and/or can resist and intervene and transform.  Perhaps nowhere are movements more significant than in education, where the futures of our next generation and our societies take shape.  And perhaps like no other time is the very enterprise of public education under attack.

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The 22nd Annual International Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) will explore
the role of multicultural education in movements toward equity and social justice at the local, national, and global levels.

From pre-K to higher education, from classroom teaching to student support to school leadership to community advocacy to educational research, advocates and practitioners of multicultural education have long played and continue to play critical roles in movements to make our schools and societies better places for all.
NAME’s 2012 Conference provides a rare and unique opportunity to share resources, build networks, confront challenges, and renew our senses of possibility and hope.

Conference web site: http://nameorg.org/name-2012-conference/

Brochure and registration form: http://nameorg.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2012/N%202012%20Philly%20Conf%20Reg%20Brochure.pdf