By Tracy Kabatay, Shelly Jones, Jason Jones, Sharla MacKinnon, Jisoo Seo and Bev Caswell
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Curriculum – Measurement and Geometry and Spatial Sense
Measurement, Measurement Relationships: determine through investigation and strategies, the relationship between the area of a rectangle and the areas of parallelograms and triangles by decomposing and composing
Geometry and Spatial Sense, Geometric Properties: construct properties using a variety of tools
- Tangram Clan Animals Puzzle in plastic sleeves (Appendix A)
- Plastic tangram pieces
- Construction Paper
- Paper tangram pieces (Appendix B)
- Scissors and glue
- Markers, glitters, and other decorative materials
How to play
- Pick a tangram clan animal puzzle (choice between with clues and no clues).
- Use the plastic tangram pieces to solve the puzzle.
- Reconstruct the tangram with paper tangram pieces and glue it onto a construction paper.
- Decorate around the clan animal with various materials, including the name of the animal in Ojibwe.
Please see the “Exploring Tangrams” lesson in the Robertson Program math lesson library for more ideas on how to use tangrams in your classroom.