Two of Everything Part 1

Primary (Age 6 – 9)

Curriculum Goal

Primary: Geometry and Spatial Sense

  • Determine pattern rules and use them to extend patterns, make and justify predictions and identify missing elements in patterns represented with shapes and numbers.
  • Create and describe pattern rules to illustrate relationships among whole numbers up to 1,000.


  • Students should have an understanding of doubling numbers and how to extend basic number patterns.
  • Introduction is whole-group
  • Students work individually or in pairs.




  • Start lesson by reading “Two of Everything.”
  • Ask students to identify Haktak’s pot’s unique characteristic.
    • Characteristic: When something falls into the pot, it doubles
  • Lead a discussion about doubling:
    • To determine the double of a number, you add the same number to itself
    • When one thing went in the pot two things came out; when two things went into the pot, four things came out, etc.


  • Introduce students to the concept of an “In and Out” table.
  • Draw a T-table on the board. The left column should be labelled “In” and the right column should be labelled “Out”.
  • Remind students about the discussion you just had in the introduction. Ask students what information they think would go in each column (think of examples from the book and start to fill the chart out).




5 coins

10 coins

  • After completing three or four columns of the chart ask students whether they notice any patterns.
    • The number in the Out column is a double of the In column (Or, you can multiply the number in the In column by two to get the number in the Out)
  • Emphasize that this pattern is what makes the Haktak’s pot magical.
  • Tell students they will draw their own magical pot with their own number rule.
  • Ask them to draw a pot on the top of their paper and to create a rule in a T-table underneath
  • Encourage students to think of a different rule from the one presented in the book:
    • Give some examples if students feel challenged:
      • Multiply the “In” number by three, four, five etc.
      • Add two, three, four, five etc. to the “In” number


  • Put students into groups of four or five. Each member will present their magical pot along with their T-table. They will not tell the other students what their rule is. The group must determine their classmate’s magical rule.
  • After each student has presented, gather together as a class.
  • Ask students to share some of the different rules they saw in people’s T-chart.
    • Highlight how their rules are similar or different to the books’ magical rule.
    • Ask students what types of rules, out of the ones that were presented, they find more challenging and why? This will provide you with an understanding of areas that may require further support for your students.

Look Fors

  • Can students recognize pattern rules and use them to extend number patterns?
  • Can students create pattern rules and demonstrate them accurately on the T-tables?

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