Curriculum – Materials and Structure
From the Ontario Ministry of Education Kindergarten Curriculum
- 1.2: Listen and respond to others, both verbally and non-verbally (e.g., using the arts, using signs, using gestures and body language), for a variety of purposes (e.g., to exchange ideas, express feelings, offer opinions) and in a variety of contexts (BC, DLMB, PSI)
- 1.10: Retell experiences, events and familiar stories in proper sequence (DLMB, PSI)
- 3.2: Demonstrate the ability to take turns during activity and discussions (SRWB)
- 13.2: Make predictions and observations before and during investigations (PSI)
- 13.3: Select and use materials to carry out their own explorations (PSI)
- 13.4: Communicate results and findings from individual and group investigations (PSI)
- 14.1: Ask questions about and describe some natural occurrences, using their own observations and representations (DLMB)
Students will have explored real bird nests and thought about what components are important to make a bird nest (Bird Nests (I) Lesson).
- Small round-shaped plastic containers
- Natural items from the outdoor environment (i.e. twigs, moss, leaves)

- Remind students of the conversation you had in Lesson #1 Bird Nests.
- What are bird nests made out of?
- What did you notice when you pulled apart the nest?
- What is important about having a nest?
- What is important about the shape of the nest?
- Tell students they will be making a bird nest.
- Ask students to collect items they want to use into the plastic container.
- Ask students to shape it into a nest.
- Place the container in our outdoor environment where a nest would usually be found.
- Discuss what it was like making a nest – finding the pieces, constructing the nest, etc.
- Discuss whether it would be easier for birds to make nests and why
- Monitor the nests over the week and make observations: if any nests have been occupied, if any materials are missing etc.