(Appendix A). Ask students to determine the focal point in each of the images.
(elephant tusks, parrot beaks, alligator teeth, eagle talons, tiger claws, etc.).
Note: The Robertson Program has chosen to place Fibonacci in quotes as per research by Rochelle Gutierrez:
I place Fibonacci in quotes to highlight the presence of settler colonialism. That is, although the Italian Leonardo Pisano (Fibonacci) receives credit for the pattern, many cultures and persons throughout the world, including Pingala in 200BC in India, had already known/performed the same pattern many years earlier. In fact, if humans are no longer the center, we might credit Nautilus pompilius (Nautilus shell), Pinus coulteri (pinecone), or Helianthus annus (sunflower) with the “discovery” (p. 12, Footnote 6).
Gutiérrez, R. (2017). Living mathematx: Towards a vision for the future. Philosophy of Mathematics 12 Education, 32(1).